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2D Landscape/Battle scene artist needed for Printable Fantasy Card Game Art


I am looking for a 2D artist to create some printable game mats for my card game I am developing. I need 4 unique playable card mats, in printable quality, 8.5"x11" in size. Each mat will have a unique character, one of the 4 playable races for my game, taking part in a epic battle. Below are some examples of play mats for other games, or if you ever played World of Warcraft The card game, you can see a playing mat.

Example of Card Game mats:





Here you can see what I mean when I say playing card slots added to the mat:

So basically its a game image with the Game name and slots for the player to put his cards for organized game play.

PART 2 :

I am looking for someone to design the backs of my playing cards. I need 5 different back styles, but they will only differ slightly. Same feel and them just a bit different on the graphics, color scheme, and card name. The size will be printable 2.5"x3.5" cards.

PLEASE when you email me, I need to know the price you charge per mat and per card back.

Contact - ebizcraftsman@gmail.com

**** NOW I AM A INDIE GAME DEVELOPER.. I AM THE SOLE WORKER IN THIS GAME. So if you work for large corporations and charge those type prices, I am sorry but I cannot afford you. I am a single person who has been working for a long time on this game and its finally ready, but I am funding everything by myself. ****

thanks so much,
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