This is the place to post any questions you may have. We will try our best to respond in a timely manner.
THE RULES!!!******* ANNOUNCEMENT *******
You know what. This isn't a contest with prizes so fuck it. My call. Adam can hate me but this is my thing. So feel free to do robots, skeletons or whatever was "IN" Mutant League. If it was in MUTANT LEAGUE games you are ok.
I'm not going to limit everyone in the theme when this is a community challenge where we are all trying to make some fun art. The environments are wide open so why not the characters.
I feel this is better for the challenge and people will have more fun and hopefully get more participants involved.
******* END OF ANNOUNCEMENT ******* JANUARY 7TH, 2012 at 11:59PM EST
Sorry it was a typo... I'll fix it... 512x512 is the correct size
ANSWER: Any "REAL LIFE" (as in any sport that is officially played and recognized as a real sport) sport can be entered for the Mutant League Challenge. -Moody
But regarding teams it mentions that the presentation image includes the mutants in the arena. Would the plural form of mutants just be multiple copies of the character artist's single mutant inside the arena?
I'd guess so, just making sure though.
Are robots allowed for this challenge?
Post reply edit:
Thanks! I wasn't sure if the theme was "mutant sports" or "continue the mutant league games tradition"
EDIT, PLEASE READ: This contest is just for creating mutant themed sports videogame art, under the same umbrella as the Mutant League series of games. As such, lets keep robots out of this one and stick to mutants only.
Yeah. I mean if the character guy has time to do more than one then by all means.. Or small variants... Up to you guys.
I think he was meaning can he copy paste the one character around in the beauty shot to give a sense of more players in the env.
maybe add different number decals to the other characters
From Character rules: does this apply to Environment art as well? It isn't noted in Environment Art rules, and is a very specific call-out for character artists.
ANSWER: Yeah double sided is fine. -Moody
with the platform goal being mobile/browser, a few post processing effects are not widely supported on platforms, but are allowed? Is the target for the contest the platform, but not with the intention of getting it to run, or is the intention to use what is currently supported on some?
just looking to clarify, if its intended to be a pretty scene regardless of platform with tools available, and the target is a guideline for polycounts - then cool
Just looking for clarification.
ANSWER: Yeah since so many things are dependent on platform and so many other factors we aren't going to limit the post process, fx, etc. Mainly just the texture sizes and polycounts.
ANSWER: Yeah that would be fine since they are part of the game/field. -Moody
I'm guessing then that skeletons are out as well, even though the Mutant League games did have skeleton teams?
ANSWER: No Skeletons. In the brief it made no mention of skeletons, or anything else but Mutants. -Moody
As of now the brief only really mentions technical requirements. I think it would be better if the brief mentioned theme requirements as well, or at least guidelines.
Noted. -Moody
It's not clear from the brief itself whether you have to make/redesign a character from the Mutant League games, or design your own. It's also not clear if you can pick any sport, or have to stick to the sports featured in the Mutant League games. And if the character still has to fit in the Mutant League universe, or if can be your own.
ANSWER: Feel free to make your own up following the guidelines provided or do a remake of past characters. Up to you. -Moody
These questions are already covered in this topic now, but for future contests, it should really be mentioned in the brief itself. :poly108:
The rules say the deadline is 5 weeks from the start date. When was the challenge started? I read that as though the challenge hadn't officially started yet.
ANSWER: The Challenge was started the moment it was announced. -Moody
*Post Ninja Edit* CTF or King of the hill type War Games
ANSWER: Not sure what you mean by war games but if it's not considered a "SPORT" then no. -Moody
ANSWER: Gonna have to say no on this one.
ANSWER: No -Moody
So far, that is the only definition of Mutant given. I will go along with that, and exclude X-men.
Although, if you're making a character, I would include the kart into the polycount.
Please read through the other page of questions and answers. This has already been answered.
Yes you can use dx11... Since everything is so dependent upon which platform you dev on it is hard to justify that only stuff avail on iOS is in the challenge.
Guys.. make sexy art with the specs provided.
Ah, my bad - I see now it was answered.
I can swear I never saw that : /
But thanks for the answer nevertheless.
My first inclination is a Gothic/Demonic setting (lots of horned skulls, spiky bits, and braziers [brey-zhers]), but would this be an acceptable theme?
ANSWERS: Fighting arenas are also ok since UFC fighters are allowed.
Aw, too bad! I thought those where the coolest characters from Mutant League. :poly142:
Not to mention, the banner for the challenge on the Polycount news page prominently features two Mutant League skeletons. :poly129:
but wat if the mutant has genetically sucked some metal in & has got mechanical arms or legs...or he cant breath in the environment so he has attached a head gear....or wat if part of his body shows of skeleton becoz his skin cant stand the light or somthing like that accepted.....or does he have to be completely ORGANIC
wat i mainly ask can the Mutant have features partly...some pat robotic, some organic etc...?? merely bcoz its fun....but hey u guys r the one to tell !!!
You know what. This isn't a contest with prizes so fuck it. My call. Adam can hate me but this is my thing. So feel free to do robots, skeletons or whatever was "IN" Mutant League. If it was in MUTANT LEAGUE games you are ok.
I'm not going to limit everyone in the theme when this is a community challenge where we are all trying to make some fun art. The environments are wide open so why not the characters.
I feel this is better for the challenge and people will have more fun and hopefully get more participants involved.
******* END OF ANNOUNCEMENT *******
I'm all about the different types of mutants and monsters they had in the game. Just as long as you can look at them and read 'professional athlete'.
The will be the same Greentooth trophies as before, but these will be green. I'm thinking that the challenges will be green and the contests will have the metal versions.
EXACTLY!!!! This is a must. It must look like an athlete of the sport you have chosen. Thanks Jesse...
You can click Edit, then Go Advanced, and there you will be able to change the title.
Sorry for being a dick!
ANY SPORT (as in any sport that is officially played and recognized as a real sport) can be entered for the Mutant League Challenge. -Moody