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[Portfolio] – Jason Hutchins, Environment Artist

It's recently come to my attention that the money I invested into Wix might actually have been my weakest link, but that's what I'm here to find out from all of you. I set up a website through Wix and have recently heard of all the problems a lot of people have while viewing Wix flash based sites. My question to you is: can you view my site? Is it hard to view? Does it take more than 5 seconds to load? If it loads does it work?

Since hearing about this threat to my success at finding a job, I've went ahead and built a testing page over at Weebly just to see if it works any better. I found the Weebly layout harder to use, but it does actually load in only 2 seconds as compared to the 5 it takes for my Wix page.

I'm hoping you all can lead me down the right path, either with the right host or content/layout or whatever. I'm a recent graduate trying to become a prop or environment artist, and can use all the help/advice I can take to make this dream happen. Thank you all for your time, this whole hosting thing never occurred to me as being a problem .. but I guess those are the types of things that usually are. :)


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, this site is all around bad news. Delete this. Don't make flash portfolios. Just make a simple thumbnail gallery in html.

    Images take forever to load, can't be saved

    The font on the buttons on the side is blurry and illegible. Spend time on YOUR ART not your web site. just a simple image gallery.

    It's unfortunate that portfolios like this are still being produced. If we could find the source of this misinformation and stop it the world would be a better place. Now read this http://www.jonjones.com/2005/10/07/your-portfolio-repels-jobs/
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Second what Chris said. Flash was cool in 1995. It's total shit now for art sites. Spend more time on your work less on your site programming. Heck spend more time on your site design and less on the coding/creation of it even.

    I honestly didn't even look at your work on the first link. I just closed the site once it all loaded.

    The second link is better. But a full movie? Nope. Just do screens and wireframe shots with texture flats. Movies are neato if you have particles and post stuff with some environment animation in UDK or CryEngine. But don't worry about doing anything in a demo reel format for getting jobs in this industry. Just nice images. Main thing is having kickass work and then your site can just be images in a folder (I've seen that work before actually).

    Take down the flash site and rework it a bit. Do a few new amazing pieces and pimp this again in a few months.

    Sidenote: Gauss brought up a good point in one of these portfolio pimp threads that I've honestly never done. Post shots of your work in the first post of this thread along with a link to your site so people know what your work looks like.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    why the hell do people keep using wix? Is it the first thing that pops up when someone googles web hosting or online art portfolio? I have never seen a good portfolio come from that site. I use script blocking and it demolished your first link. Second link is ok but the layout was wierd to navigate and took too many clicks to find some art. There are some other solutions like wordpress and blogspot but you'd have to find a layout that isn't a blog format but I've seen it done. In my humble opinion, HTML is not hard to learn, make a clean and simple site yourself.
  • jason hutchins
    Wow, thanks for your quick and honest responses! :)

    @ cholden: I went ahead and read over your link and have started branding my render images and started setting up the new site for the portfolio to be the landing page .. which is just a big page of thumbnails that can be opened.

    @ jeffro: I took down the demo reel, it was just something my school made us do so I figured if they worked in the industry maybe there was a reason for making it .. other than making the school an extra month of student loans. :p As far as posting images, the last time I tried that on this forum it took weeks for it to be cleared or something, and the post got 1 view as a result .. so I'm a little image shy on these forums as a result. But if you think it's a good idea, mebbe I'll simply edit my initial post to add a few images or links to images.

    @Dan!: actually, it is the first thing that came up when I google'd for a site, that and it was the easiest thing to use that I could find. As far as the layout of the second link: I went ahead and made the landing page the portfolio, so I'm not really sure why you had multiple clicks before but now you'll have 0.

    Again, thank you all for looking over my stuff, this really isn't something I thought would be a big deal .. I just didn't think it through enough I guess. :)
  • BradleyWascher
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    BradleyWascher polycounter lvl 13
    My two cents like others have said:

    -Drop the flash site (simple thumbnails is all you need)

    -Contact info on your images(website, name) + a resume, contact info on your site(easy to find)

    -Best work only (on your second site layout the last two pieces were my favorite and the first couple pieces weren't on the same level, either cut them or add them to the end)

    -And finally the most important, just keep creating more art. Make a site that supports like 5 to 6 pieces and just cycle the old ones out as better pieces are made.

    Keep up the hard work and don't get discouraged!
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