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EB Games memo leaked

Sounds like rumor and speculation, but if its true, and they go through with it, I'm never buying from EB again. I use to be ok with the used game thing, cause they have the trade 3 deal where if you trade 3 in, they will pay for the new game, which goes to the devs. but a recent talk I attended made me realize the magnitude of what that market does to devs. never buying used again, nor trading stuff in.



  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Used sales aren't what they used to be anymore (pun intended). Almost every shop is trying to cut out the provider, essentially, making the middle man the profit maker.

    Just like stuff with Ikea. If you want to support good furniture and you local mom and pops shop, spend a little bit more for the long run. Don't cheap out.

    Or you know, you can wait a couple of years so the game becomes dirty cheap.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    That'd be illegal in Australia. I'd be willing to bet that consumer affairs would have a pretty dark view of it in most countries
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Eazy-E, won't you step up to the stand and tell the jury how you feel about this bullshit.

    I'd rather give my money to Walmart.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Firebert wrote: »
    Eazy-E, won't you step up to the stand and tell the jury how you feel about this bullshit.

    I'd rather give my money to Walmart.

    this is a beautiful reference that will go completely unnoticed haha
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    LRoy wrote: »
    this is a beautiful reference that will go completely unnoticed haha

    ~ Nah. I reckon more people are familiar with NWA than is assumed
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Not me, I'm a lame white boy. :P
  • Arcanox
    Last thing I bought from EB was Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I came in and told the guy outright that I wanted it new. He insisted that I buy it used because it was the same thing, and I told him it wasn't. Then he went on some spiel about the economics of the industry, shit I never really paid attention to.

    I was getting awfully pissed off and nearly ready to leave when he just gave it up and said: "Hey whatever man, I'm just trying to save you a few bucks".

    I'm never going there again. Going to buy it new from Futureshop, because I never get hassled like I do at EB. I understand that the guy is doing his job and doing whats being pushed by management, but it just comes off as terribly sleazy business with how hard they're pushing it these days.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Never again. Years ago, same story with a PS2 game. I picked the new one off the shelf and went to the counter. The guy put it back on the the shelf, opened up a drawer and took out JUST the ps2 game disk. I say "WTF are you doing? I'm buying that game" He replied "It's the same" I tell him "No it isn't, no manual, no case to stack nicely on the shelf with all my other games." Walked out and won't be walking back in again.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I'm 10000% thankful for the local indie game shop in my neighborhood. It's owned by some dude who used to work in the industry for like a decade and always gives me great deals and awesome anecdotes. And best part? No fucking kids wiping the cases with their ass and coughing on everything and no lines. . . and cute girls behind the counter sometimes.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    cholden wrote: »
    Never again. Years ago, same story with a PS2 game. I picked the new one off the shelf and went to the counter. The guy put it back on the the shelf, opened up a drawer and took out JUST the ps2 game disk. I say "WTF are you doing? I'm buying that game" He replied "It's the same" I tell him "No it isn't, no manual, no case to stack nicely on the shelf with all my other games." Walked out and won't be walking back in again.

    Jesus really? lol that would never fly here, I'd have a shitfit if someone tried to pull that; hell, if they really pushed me to buy pre-owned I'd have a shitfit.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    If EB really wants people to buy their games they should consider maybe lowering their prices to be less than twice as much as the local indi dealers and department stores. How they keep existing at all in the country is a complete mystery to me.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Jackablade wrote: »
    If EB really wants people to buy their games they should consider maybe lowering their prices to be less than twice as much as the local indi dealers and department stores. How they keep existing at all in the country is a complete mystery to me.

    This has always baffled me as well. I assume they keep getting business because kids and their parents just see "game" or "games" in the store name and they think either that's where all the cool kids buy their shit, or from a parent's standpoint "They must know what the crap my kid wrote down on his christmas list means".

    Gamestop has been selling used shit at a measly $2-5 dollars off the new price forever here locally. I've started just picking shit up from Target and K-Mart, where I've found some sweet as hell $20 off type deals on brand new copies (Deus Ex, Assassin's Creed, Portal 2) this past year.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Andreas wrote: »
    Not me, I'm a lame white boy. :P

    I am surprised to know that you are white. o.O
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I cant wait till we can move to a majority digital distribution.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    mom and pop game shops? I haven't seen one for ages. The last time I bought a physical copy was in some big electronics store. They usually don't bother with the used-games-replace-the-discs spiel that Gamestop does. They have far more important things to do.

    Although I don't understand the whining about games prices. Most of us KNOW how much work making a game is and we all know that it's getting more and more complex and requires more and more people and that the devs see less and less of the money. How can anyone expect prices to go down? Be glad they're not rising any faster.

    In the defense of Ikea - I though too that they were "cheap" as in bad quality. In fact the stuff I bought in the last years has all outlasted the "mom and pop" furniture I had. Then again Ikea isn't into used furniture sales and secretly swaps out your chairs at delivery ;)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    cholden wrote: »
    Never again. Years ago, same story with a PS2 game. I picked the new one off the shelf and went to the counter. The guy put it back on the the shelf, opened up a drawer and took out JUST the ps2 game disk. I say "WTF are you doing? I'm buying that game" He replied "It's the same" I tell him "No it isn't, no manual, no case to stack nicely on the shelf with all my other games." Walked out and won't be walking back in again.

    Sorry for the second post but, And sorry to hear what happened to you. Usually they would suggest you the low priced piece. I never had any problems like that.

    Actually, if you go to the counter and ask them for the game, instead of picking up from the side shelves. They could've given you the fresh copy of the product. They take the cds out of the drawer because mostly there is a chance for a person to run out with the cover with the cd in it. *...wow..o.O...* Also, they do that because sometimes dont have the new copy of it, it is yellow tagged, they wont have a manual for it. The worst piece ever you'll find is when you'll go to the side shelves and see those black boxes that has just the name written on it no back picture, or a theme to read, or a menual. The very worst thing you'll ever see is when they will just give you the cd..(I've had one of those when I was buying dante inferno for psp.)

    If you want a new piece and they dont have it on stock, you can request them to order it for you and you can pick it up later. =\

    I dont know why but I've been buying games from EB ever since I got my ps1 at the age of 17 so. I honestly dont see what brings everyone to think EB game is doing wrong.

    It isnt just a memo leaked, its the word around, and it is what you guys wanted right? I mean I am sure I heard someone saying "EB games selling pre-owned games is wrong, which is bad for independent game studios."

    EDIT: I know, I know; I am sorry, I cant help but contradict every fuckin thread where I see something miss judged or just for the sake of discussion.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Not that I've done this, but I would have no qualms about buying LA Noir, or Red Dead Redemption used.

    If they treat the developers like crap, lay them off the day after they go gold, I will go out of my way to make sure the copy I'm buying is used.

    But yeah, aside from the few minor cases, I'd only ever buy new games. I've never ever been pushed to buy a used one.

  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Not that I've done this, but I would have no qualms about buying LA Noir, or Red Dead Redemption used.

    If they treat the developers like crap, lay them off the day after they go gold, I will go out of my way to make sure the copy I'm buying is used.

    But yeah, aside from the few minor cases, I'd only ever buy new games. I've never ever been pushed to buy a used one.


    I might agree with that. But if that's the case, buy it on ebay from a person. That way you won't support a broken system.

    I don't think any sane person thinks it's wrong to sell stuff you rightfully bought. I think the issue is with gigantic companies exploiting the system and making millions from it.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    it's sleazy business practice to just put a tiny tiny "used" label somewhere and otherwise make both used and new versions look the same and put them in the same bin. There's no other benefit to this practice than taking advantage of careless or uneducated consumers who do not know of this practice.

    Doesn't matter though if gamestop or a mom and pop shop does it. It's just sleazy.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    hah, i think ive said this like 10x in different related threads....but....what a bunch of sleazy underhanded swines
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    Well I think EB knows its on its way out, like music stores, with digital distribution on the rise and they're trying to make their final bucks any way they can.
  • slipsius
    Dunno why people keep saying they should lower their prices... they have the same prices as everywhere else. at least here they do. usually about 60 bucks for a new game? Same as all department stores around. I know in australia, they are more like 80 or 90. at least, when i went to visit and walked in the local game stop, they were.

    But yes. Very sleazy. I will without a doubt stop shopping there if they merge sections and try and sell me used without me knowing.
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    I think people are saying they should lower their prices for used games, they buy back games for next to nothign and then resell them for only a couple dollars less than a new copy.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    i dont know why you are all getting your panties in a bunch over this?? its quite apparent to see the NEW and USED labels underneath the price.. i mean, you cant miss it. generally there's no issue with them stacking the two either because you should know whether or not you're buying a new or used.. if you see them go behind a glass case, its new.. if they go to a drawer, its used... its really not that big a deal.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Yea they do that "Here's a pre-opened game that our employees probably took home and played already, but it's brand new full price!". It's company policy to be as scummy as possible.

    If you're looking for older games on PS2 and such though they're not bad (though make sure to inspect anything you buy before leaving).
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Maybe this is wrong, but I remember buying TONS of used CD's at those old used CD stores back when I was a student. Even though I was completely naive to the damage it was causing the recording industry, I don't think those would be particularly damaging to the games industry.

    It might be damaging to the CONSOLE gaming industry, but as we've seen; our industry is highly resourceful and adaptable as we need to be. If console games are no longer turning a profit for us, then I'd imagine the industry would shift towards designing games around an online experience. Heck, we've already done away with the arcades.

    We WILL cut out the middleman if we have to. Digital Distribution is gaining a LOT of popularity. So is the iphone, facebook, MMOs, etc.

    Boxes and clutter suck.

    Steam pwnz.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I don't expect any more or less than this from EB, but I was still kind of surprised when I read that. The sad thing is that if they go through with it, tons of people won't know the difference.

    I already stopped buying used games and shopping at EB years ago. The last used game I bought was Twilight Princess and it had a big scratch on it which I had to buff out with toothpaste to play.

    They won't sell you new games unless you have a pre-order. They also make it out like collectors editions are super rare, when you can walk over to a Wal-Mart and get it off of the shelf. Horrible. They make it hard on their consumers instead of accommodating.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Oniram wrote: »
    i dont know why you are all getting your panties in a bunch over this?? its quite apparent to see the NEW and USED labels underneath the price.. i mean, you cant miss it. generally there's no issue with them stacking the two either because you should know whether or not you're buying a new or used.. if you see them go behind a glass case, its new.. if they go to a drawer, its used... its really not that big a deal.
    While I do agree on the sentiment, apathy usually leads to bigger problems in the long run.

    I'm sure it won't be long before they start creating 'master copies' of the game.
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Maybe this is wrong, but I remember buying TONS of used CD's at those old used CD stores back when I was a student. Even though I was completely naive to the damage it was causing the recording industry, I don't think those would be particularly damaging to the games industry.

    It might be damaging to the CONSOLE gaming industry, but as we've seen; our industry is highly resourceful and adaptable as we need to be. If console games are no longer turning a profit for us, then I'd imagine the industry would shift towards designing games around an online experience. Heck, we've already done away with the arcades.

    We WILL cut out the middleman if we have to. Digital Distribution is gaining a LOT of popularity. So is the iphone, facebook, MMOs, etc.

    Boxes and clutter suck.

    Steam pwnz.

    Unless you're really old, as when Rock 'n Roll used to be peak of it's height and new, most musicians only really made money from concerts, since a large portion of them got duped on deals.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    slipsius wrote: »
    Dunno why people keep saying they should lower their prices... they have the same prices as everywhere else. at least here they do. usually about 60 bucks for a new game? Same as all department stores around. I know in australia, they are more like 80 or 90. at least, when i went to visit and walked in the local game stop, they were.

    But yes. Very sleazy. I will without a doubt stop shopping there if they merge sections and try and sell me used without me knowing.
    Skyrim - console versions, new.
    EB - $120
    K-Mart - $75
    Import - $62

    Game prices are massively inflated here in most places as it is compared to the US and UK without having to pay the EB tax on top of it.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Not that I've done this, but I would have no qualms about buying LA Noir, or Red Dead Redemption used.

    If they treat the developers like crap, lay them off the day after they go gold, I will go out of my way to make sure the copy I'm buying is used.

    But yeah, aside from the few minor cases, I'd only ever buy new games. I've never ever been pushed to buy a used one.


    While I support this in theory, unless you then follow-up the used purchase with a call/e-mail to Rockstar corporate telling them what you've done and why I`m not sure how it would make any difference to them. The timming of the layoffs would suggest that it was either based on project sales figures falling short or planned for to begin with. neither of which is effected by used sales. Coming from a studio that was just closed for those very reasons, finding out legitamite sales picked up dramatically after a slow-start would almost be better as an I told you so; except the bastards just end end up with more money.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    While I support this in theory, unless you then follow-up the used purchase with a call/e-mail to Rockstar corporate telling them what you've done and why I`m not sure how it would make any difference to them. The timming of the layoffs would suggest that it was either based on project sales figures falling short or planned for to begin with. neither of which is effected by used sales. Coming from a studio that was just closed for those very reasons, finding out legitamite sales picked up dramatically after a slow-start would almost be better as an I told you so; except the bastards just end end up with more money.

    Yes, ironically in this case even piracy would have sent a stronger message - with another blip on the "I want to play your game but don't want to give you any money" ticker. Really I liked it a lot more when there was actual second-hand stores and game stores where you wouold naturally go to buy new stuff. The second hand ones were like a lucky dip: You never knew what you would find and it was a bonus for it to be in good condition.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    power to the players! haha

    buy from the web.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    Not a big fan of EB, a lot of attitude whenever i go in there, which is maybe once a year to begin with.
    I think i've maybe baught 2-3 used games in my lifetime, and it was only stuff i couldnt find new, but with steam being my main retailer of choice i only buy a physical copy of a game maybe once every 2-3 years.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I stopped going to gamestop before I realized how crappy buying used games is.

    Whenever a new game was coming out I'd roll in and they would say "Hey, you better preorder that game...when it comes in its gonna sell out in minutes!"

    I slowly shifted towards going to best buy to pick up games on launch (was located directly next to gamestop.) Whenever gamestop was "selling out" of major games, best buy literally had a mountainous display of that game sitting right by the front door.

    Still, they are a bunch of crooks. I'll go in to look around every now and then, but I'll never purchase anything from them again.
  • Julmust
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Used sales aren't what they used to be anymore (pun intended). Almost every shop is trying to cut out the provider, essentially, making the middle man the profit maker.

    Just like stuff with Ikea. If you want to support good furniture and you local mom and pops shop, spend a little bit more for the long run. Don't cheap out.

    Or you know, you can wait a couple of years so the game becomes dirty cheap.

    You don't get it, huh? By buying IKEA you cultivate Swedish culture. When we take over the world, it's an easy transition.
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