Hey guys,
We're trying to instance a couple hundred of our male figures walking in a scene in Maya. However, it's really bogging it down. We've cached the animation and Maya seems to be drawing from the same data file for all of them, but when I look in the cache folder in Windows Explorer, there is a cache file for every single one of them. Anyone know if that's correct? Or if there is a faster way to do this? I have Maya 2012.
If it's memory then what about just connecting a single set of animCurve nodes to all the skeletons/rigs? (you'd obviously want to script the process of connecting the existing curve nodes to the new skeleton)
Thanks Warheart, I'll give that a shot. I have 16GB of Ram, but it's still slowing down. The task manager doesn't show we're running out of memory, it's just a performance issue. What you say will probably work. First time doing this sort of thing, so I'll give it a shot. It sounds like what I was looking for though.
I think the suggestion I made in the previous post isn't going to help as much with performance as it would with memory (although it should still help a bit).
Here's some suggestions that are more likely to help performance:
1. if the animation is on a complex rig (e.g. ik/fk controls, complex hierarchy, lots of constraints) then consider baking the animation on to the skeleton and then using the animCurves that you need from that data (e.g. remove scale/translation curves if they aren't doing anything) to drive instances of the skeleton in your crowd scene.
2. While you're working on the scene you might want to reference in a skeleton without skinning as skinning calculations are slow (e.g. make a version with cubes parented into the hierarchy to let you see the general motion). then once you're happy and are ready to render (assuming it is pre-rendered?) then you can swap out the reference file for the final asset with all the skinning and complex geometry.