Anyone playing this? I have it for xbox and for PC. Have a lvl 70 of all 4 on xbox, and just started playing on PC, as it seems the devs favour the PC. PC gets more updates, set bonuses, DLC.
If you have it, and wanna play on steam, or xbox, hit me up.
Xbox - Anim8TheWeak
steam - slipsius (
[ame=""]Dungeon Defenders - Debut Gameplay Trailer | HD - YouTube[/ame]
Dunno if i'd say the orcs game was better, it certainly had more character and "fun" but i really liked the longevity they almost achieved in dungeon defenders. Could you imagine if these 2 teams came together to make 1 tower defense though? Let the orcs guys throw some of their "fun" into dungeon defenders and you have a friggin' winner.
That said i'd be down for a round or two
I do find the shared tower cap ok though, just because it adds more strategy to it. you have to plan. that being said, in coop, there are more enemies, but the same tower limit, so that should be changed. and the fact that you dont NEED to play coop just becuase between rounds, you can switch between your guys and use all the towers in solo. which, i do like, but it does make coop feel unneeded.
still though, absolutely love it.