Got linked to this game earlier, and it doesn't look too bad actually. I can see what people mean when they compare it to a mix of fable and oblivion/skyrim, it definitely feels like it's how I wanted fable to be.
So.. if Skryim hasn't eaten up your desire for RPGs then this is worth checking out. Don't think it comes out till february.
[ame=""]Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Gameplay - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning E3 Game play Part 1/3 - YouTube[/ame]
So many good games i cant wait to get my hands on this one it screams much promise i want it now
I have yet to study it but i hope it has what im looking for
When i seen it in GI i thought "OMG why couldn't Demons souls put out like this! now wheres the multiplayer?!?!?"
The animations in the 1st video looks super slow. God of War combat is real snappy. If a game like this is sluggish at all it really hurts the combat and the game overall. They've probably sped that up a good amount since e3 though.
Last nitpick the UI looks very rigid. I'm sure it makes sense in the game. Just watching a video of the UI/item menus doesn't look that intuitive. Sure when you've got 50000 item combinations that happens. Just wish it could be more fluid.
Those nitpicks aside it looks like there is some potential. The art looks good in those videos. It'll be interesting to see how this is when it ships in a few months.
Hats off to Vcortis and everyone else on the environment art, it's pretty killer.
Wish there was a higher res. The combat effects are some of the best i've ever seen.
Does this game have that? Didn't think so!
Jokes aside, it look cool, but I'm not a fan of button-mashing games, my poor fingers cannot take it anymore with all of these button-mashing games, and this one looks like it's committing the sin cardinal of them all.
Button mash in mid-combat, during a slow-motion, to charge up an attack which will deal the damage I need to deal to my enemy.
Do we have anymore info for the combat? If not, I'll be reserved about it, if yes, I can't find it.
Looks pretty though
It was never an MMO... so I'm going to say it's just you.
This is made by Big Huge Games, who was bought by 38. The project was already well underway at that point and has always been a console RPG
And just to get the facts straight
edit: Aren't they making an MMO as well though, I thought it was sharing the same world as this game.
except Ace-angel.. it's not a button masher. You can play it like one if you want your ass whooped.
Also, we just released a video specifically on combat (and there's already tons of videos out about it), watch it here: [ame="
OOOOH! Stealth. OK, I'm sold.
Also it locked my xbox up.
Will have to try it out again today. Graphics were nice and it seemed cool enough. Just didn't get a change to play more than 5-10 min. Will probably buy it though since I thought the combat was awesome.
Yes the PC demo is live. I'm currently downloading it.
Downloading the demo now!
EDIT: $60 for a digital release of a new IP? What in the flying fuck?
The reason there's no MP/Coop is because i believe there making a MMO out of the IP.
Btw anyone trying the demo and getting a black screen it's a ATI bug and you need to disable post-processing the get the game to run.
This will be a day 1 purchase for me, can't wait to dig deep into this one!
Either way, it seems like a great game. BTW. The whole thing about this IP is that they are working on an MMO about this IP and they wanted fans to be introduced earlier to all the lore and all so they did a SP game on this IP to get all the fans early before the MMO comes out.
Graphics are not bad in general, but not great, quite obsolete for my taste. it's a passable game and too expensive for what it offers. I will buy the game with a better price a few months later.
With ATI cards the game does not work unless if you turn off the post process. Too lame to see this happening with a demo.
Too much hype with this game :S
The developers seem really cool though, and their call for criticism leaves me wanting to do an in-depth review of the game. If I get the time, I'll probably bomb their forums with a wall of text so they can ignore it.
edit: played on pc with an xbox controller, tried keyboard and mouse... didn't feel as good as controller to me.
But it doesn't really matter, I knew I would want to play this game, I'm a sucker for this genre, so I already preordered it for the 360 months ago.
It's true you can't jump, but the game is definitely not a world of corridors, at all. Did you get out of the tutorial dungeon?
Definitely picking this up at some point though, I expect this will be a really fun game!
Yep, i finished all the demo and i played the extended 45 min. The "open world" has the same feel of games like dragon age with corridors, or overlord as example, at least in my opinion, and you only see paths between walls of rocks between the different zones, very mmo style. It's very far from Darksiders with those huge maps.
For me, the controls are fine when changed in PC, but it's a pity that thing of "no jump". That's a total fail for its gameplay imho. I would liked to see air combos, like the classic jump and strike.
Anyways, as i already said, it's not a bad game.
Another thing that i missed is the co-op. That feature should be a must have for any game nowadays.
And, is it just me or did all the (human)male characters share the same head model?
I did like the combat system, it is big and flashy in a way you don't always see in a game with a talent tree, but the talent trees also felt pretty generic and uninspired. There's only a few skills to build and the idea of creating various builds doesnt really feel that exciting. The classes also more or less play the same with range options, stuns, aoe attacks, etc. Pick a ranged weapon, pick a melee weapon regardless of class and just mash your buttons, no truely deep rpg strategy involved.
Some killer environments, art, and animation though. It's just the game design that seems lacking after all this time.
I'm pretty sure they're not sharing assets in that sense. It might have been a choice to create a more cohesive look between the two titles, but they're not sharing resources quite like that. I've a lot of friends working on both titles, and as far as I know any assets that go between the two end up being reworked to fit the title/specs.
There seems to be a lot of confusion with their strategy of two games in the same IP. They could probably have handled the marketing better and make it clear that this isn't a gimped version of the mmo, or that the mmo isn't this game + multiplayer.
I know there's a bunch of the artists on the board, and they could explain it better, but I imagine they're not supposed to talk about it :poly121:
While I don't know all of the details, I've been told the build the demo was taken from is fairly old and all of the bugs/glitches are resolved in the final build. In addition to that the team down at BHG is eager to hear your feedback so they can get to work improving it to better suit you, our customers! Please feel free to post here to ensure you're heard (despite popular belief we actually do pay attention to this stuff...)!-(particularly-camera)