Hey everyone.
Well, I'm coming from an organic modeling background, and I'm working on my hard-surface skills now...
I know all the basics, I understand topology and how to handle everything... how to harden a surface by using edges well, etc...
But I lack some knowledge in how to "solve" some more advanced creasing methods, I find.
For example - There's a curved surface from which I want to extrude a polygon, and keep that polygon's square shape. If I just extrude that polygon and smooth the model, it'll get smoothed into some sort of an elipse or a circle. If I add loops around each of the polygon's corners, it'll stay square but the curves surface will have a lot of mess and artifacts, it'll look bad.
How do I keep the extruded polygon square, and the surface nice and smooth, without using floaters? I'd rather not use triangles by the way, since squares are better and triangles don't fit in every scenario described above.
If the example is not clear enough I'll try to add images..
And if there's some sort of tutorial dealing with creating hard edges and covering the problems that we might face while doing it, I'll be happy to get some links
It's probably covered there. Thanks, I'll be sure to look more carefully at already-posted stuff next time