Looks pretty cool, did you use reference? And I am not sure if it is intentional but you have waviness in your texture near the top of the hammer. As it stands, your metal doesn't read to much like metal to me. It reads more like stone, you might need to have a second look at your spec.
Thanks for the comment.
Yep its from reference,but i change some things ..... because i felt the original one ...kind of boring .. so yeah here is it with some fixes ....hope that`s better
btw i`m not sure if you meant by "my metal" the green stuff...but thats oxidized copper..its not supposed to look like metal...or i think so something like this ...
the colour and feel of the oxidised copper looks pretty good tbh, but the only thing i'd do is add a blurred or fuzzy reflection map (better to do this with a very small amount of visibility for the reflection so it doesn't appear to chrome like) to the parts of the brass/copper surface that hasn't oxidised yet.
If you're using UDK you can do that by giving the diffuse a very dark grey alpha for the visible metal surface areas and either plugging a blurred cubemap or blurred image of an environment into a LERP to blend the diffuse and reflection together via the alpha map.
Hey that looks really nice, you nailed the copper IMO. The only crit i have is the pig? head on the handle, it looks funny rather than menacing. I think its the eyes.
Hay ,thanks for the comments.Okay so i add some more shadows in to eyes area....try to exaggerate them more...i hope that works better now... and i played a little with lightning ....its really slight different ,but ill work on that .
Thanks for the comment.
Yep its from reference,but i change some things ..... because i felt the original one ...kind of boring .. so yeah here is it with some fixes ....hope that`s better
If you're using UDK you can do that by giving the diffuse a very dark grey alpha for the visible metal surface areas and either plugging a blurred cubemap or blurred image of an environment into a LERP to blend the diffuse and reflection together via the alpha map.