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[Profit Share] Legends of Etherell: Antavia

Team name:

Project name:
Legends of Etherell Antavia

Brief description:
Our game pushes the elements of traditional massively multi-player role playing games to their limits; offering over-the-top-action, an epic story saga, and the ability make game altering choices. The game features a real-time combat system where players strategically use magic and weaponry, to advance through a uniquely designed open-world. Through skill and prowess, the player is able to join factions, legions, and empires in an epic quest to restore or destroy the lands of Antavia. The game also features PvP zones and battlegrounds, where players are able to battle other players for prestige, supremacy, and faction dominance.

Target aim:
Our intended goal is to build a multi-platform title for retail and download release. The project has a predicted release date of August 2013 based on our current business plan. However, we plan to release a closed Alpha and Beta during the development cycle of the game, offer us a wide range of feedback to help improve our overall design.

Our current business plan features a very reasonable profit share contract to insure that a percentage of each item sale will yield a payment to each team member. We are currently in negotiations with 5 commercial publishers that are all on standby for our playable online demonstration. Based on the "possible" outcome of negotiation, our company (SilverHelm Studios LLC.) plans to issue each member a monthly salary requiring that new contracts be issued to reflect their updated entitlements. I'm stressing the word "possible" because our company recently suffered the lost of a publisher due to financial shortcoming stemming from the riots in London and the companies Executive Director being hospitalized indefinitely. As a result, many members of the team became highly demoralized and a few have left. We aren't asking members to work unrealistic hours as the product is unpaid at the moment. However, we are still in serious negotiations with new publishers and are required to work consistently towards our alpha demonstration. We have recently finalized our new commission contracts that are awaiting reviews from our attorneys, and the moment they are done, they will be issued to each members guaranteeing their earnings. I can't stress how enough that this is a very serious project, so should it be regarded as. All details of development and internal/external design elements are protected by a confidentiality contract. I would be more than happy to discuss these stipulations and more information about the 5 publishers that have received and responded to our press kits, with all applicants prior to joining our team.

Torque 3D
Nvidia Physx
Photoshop CS5
3D Max 2011
Maya 2011
Maya 2011
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (C++/C#)

Talent needed:
2 C++/ TorqueScript Programmers with Network Experience
-Programmers' will utilize TorqueScript and make alterations to the Torque 3D source code as required. Reasonable knowledge of networking to client communication, C++ programming experience, and TorqueScript knowledge/experience is also required.

2 3D Character Modelers
-Character modelers' workflow will involve sculpting of characters and armor, then retopologizing to meet the required standards of our art pipeline. Next, artists will bake the normals from the high poly sculpt, applying it to the low-poly model. Lastly, the artists will apply textures to the model. Low-poly models are a requirement for the nature of game we are developing (MMO), making sculpting an important requirement as we are relying on normal maps to offer details that our low-poly models are unable to show. See the images below for a visual presentation of final products. Texturing, sculpting, and a reasonable knowledge of anatomy are requirements.

2 3D Environment Modelers
-Environment modelers' workflow will involve sculpting or standard modeling of hard surface structures, props, weapons, and items, then retopologizing (if sculpting) them to meet the required standards of our art pipeline. Next, artists will bake the normals from the high poly sculpt (if scuplting), applying it to the low-poly model. Lastly, the artists will apply textures to the model. Low-poly models are a requirement for the nature of game we are developing (MMO). With hardsurface objects, sculpting isn't a requirement as with character and armor models, however some method of normal map generation is required to maintain consistency throughout the gaming environment. See the images below for a visual presentation of final products. Texturing, and normal map generation are requirements.

2 2D Concept Artists
-Concept artists' workflow will involve creating painted or textured 2D renders for use in website development, promotion, character and environment modeling, and UI (user interface) elements. Artist will be required to export art in various digital forms, making digital porting knowledge a requirement. Artist should also have an understanding of digital art principles such as applying alpha maps and transparency to specific formats to insure that they operate as expecting within the game engine. Physical to digital art conversion and digital art application knowledge are required.

2 3D Animations
-Animators' workflow will involve skeleton/bone/rig construction, skinning of meshes to skeletons/bones/rigs, and animating of skeletons/bones/rigs to comply with all animation requirements. Rigging knowledge and animation experience is required. Currently all characters are natively rigged in 3DS Max 2012 (biped) and exported to fbx or dae formats for those animating without 3DS Max.

2 Writers/Script Writer:
-Writers'/script writers' workflows involve gathering information from current documents/stories regarding Legends of Etherell and using it to derive unique stories, dialogues, and descriptive creations for provinces, towns, villages, characters, items, structures, and all other things that make up the realm of Etherell. Knowledge of story structure, proper English grammar knowledge, and knowledge of developing realistic dialogue are requirements.

Team structure:

Project Manager (Joanna Wycoff)
Public Relations Officer (Chad Dulac)

Lead Designer (Aaron Victoria)
Creative Director (Chad Dulac)
Lead Level Designer (Philip "Vality" Arnold)

Art Director (Chad Dulac)
Environment Modeler (Mark Ward)
Environment Modeler(Chris Pyne)
Lead Character Modeler (William Barry)
Character Artist (Rahul Salazar)

Lead Writer (Corey Beasom)
Assistant Writer (James Kennedy)
Writer/Script Director (Po-wil Guzman)

Programming Director (Michael Reino)
Programming (Jacob Ruta)
Programmer (Aaron Victoria)

Composer (Matias Castro Canciano)
Composer (Jamie Williams)
Sound Effect Engineer (Aaron Victoria)
Female Voice Actress (Laura Fedora)
Female Voice Actress (Jenny Krompel)
Female Voice Actress (Rhina Chan)
Male Voice Actor (Teddy Bostik)
Male Voice Actor (Heath Jenkins)
Male Voice Actor (Isaak Wells)

Lead Tester (Kareem Brooks)
QA Engineer (Jeremy Ford)
Tester (James Morose)

Our alpha build is 45% complete at the moment with our MMO framework nearly complete; a few optimization parameter implementations and more server testing is required before true completion can be suggested. Moreover, the game is fully online and operable with server access available. The programming division has been running tests for the last few weeks and have the database registration and server-based playability complete. Tests have ran smoothly, with movement and combat working precisely as they should across the server platform (5 players logged simultaneously). We are currently incorporating UI elements, including the equipment window, dropped item window, hotkey bar, and player vitals block, into the player's viewspace. In addition to that, we are in the process integrating our character models into the game to replace our placeholder/test models. The construction of the entire map of Antavia has been finalized, and exists as an enormous heightmap divide into megaterrain blocks to be used for our open-world streaming system. We also have a conversation system that has been implemented that offers players the option to click to select player responses during conversations and plays back .ogg files from our voice actors content directory. Our next goal is to implement the dynamic camera positions during conversations. Our combat system is complete, although it is currently undergoing an overhaul to meet the new requirements of the new real-time combat system in our updated design documents. However, hotkeys respond accordingly with the addition of button presses to activate hotkeys still requiring code.

(Official) http://www.legends-of-etherell.com
(Facebook) http://www.facebook....123016314429688

Aaron Victoria

Previous Work by Team:
Our project manager has worked as project manager on a list of federal government projects for the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. I have programmed and held the role of project manager for a few half-life mods such as The Black Mesa Project and Project Piranha o2. Our lead writer has written many scripts for local acts and commercial plays, as well as a personal novel inspired by the game's story. Our creative director has more that 20 years of experience creating and developing medieval campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons and has hosted many dungeon mastering events. Our Art Director has worked as a commercial comic book artist, and has many publications in Dungeons & Dragons rule books/magazines. Two of our testers have professionally tested for commercial projects/game companies internally, one tested alpha builds of City of Heroes for Cryptic Studios, the other worked as a tester for Gearbox Software.

Additional Info:
The story take place across a vast landscape where players may journey and venture as they please. The emphasis of gameplay is mainly to give players the ability to pick up a control or keyboard, and immediately be able to get into the action. The leveling system is very traditional, but each class has 3 skill trees to help the player fine tune their personalized playing style. Players can embark on the main quest which is designed to have over 12 possible endings, or they can create a party and adventure into the massive open world. Each town, city, village, empire, and kingdom will feature unique helpers, companions, enemies, and townspeople. Each of them with there own lives, and destinies that the player can alter. A large amount of these characters will offer side-quest or prestige missions to build your rank. Many expansions are planned as well, making the depth of the story ever-growing. While the player is playing the game, large amounts of data are secretly being saved. This data will play a huge role in shaping the world in the fourth coming expansions as well as the planned sequel.









Please visit our official site or our facebook for more pictures and information.
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