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Delete 3Dsmax UV channels

polycounter lvl 11
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jocose polycounter lvl 11
I have a lot of UV map channels on an object in 3dsmax.

If I open the channel editor I see them listed. I can clear their contents but NOT delete them. How can I permanently remove useless channels from an object in 3dsmax?


  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Apparently you can't delete channels inferior to 0. You can delete all uvw map channels + vertex color (though most of 3d format handle it) with the clear button or uvw mapping clear modifier.
    Generatly speaking you'd only want to delete extra uv channels, i don't think the others use extra space.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the reply

    Its just anoying because I am trying to figure out why my models UVs arn't exporting correctly to UDK. I'm wondering if I have 8 UV channels if all will be imported into UDK.

    Do I have to copy my second UVset to the second UV channel, or does it automatically pick up on it?
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    I don't really get what you are asking, also I'm not familiar with UDK. Maybe is there a uv set number limitation.
    For our engine, we have to name the uv channels so they are exported. Maybe UDK requires such action.
    In max, the channel 1 is the first uv set, channel 2 is the second, and so on.
    You have to collapse the unwrap for each uv channel so the uv set is "saved" into the mesh.
    Anyway, if you have 0 num verts in a uv map channel, it doesn't contain anything.

    Anyway, someone with UDK knowledge would be better placed to answer you.
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Tools -> Channel Info.  Select unwanted channel.  Delete.
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Clear = Delete in the Channel Info.
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