Hey all.
I'm using some photo source to create a skybox, then using ATI cubemapgen to generate a DDS texture to use in my engine.
Anyway, the cubemap dds texture seems to be extraordinarily noisy when I actually view it in the engine. So I'm wondering if anyone has done any work on filtering noise out of cubemaps for skyboxes? Or if anyone can share how they do theirs?
I'm not talking about making the skybox so much as the various filter methods to not display so much noise in engine.
When you say noisy do you mean compression like jpeg? Its probably the dxt compression of the dds if it is or it could be the resolution your using is too low.
Can you supply a screen grab of the noise?
For whatever reason your skybox is trying to use a lower texture mip-level... which does not exist since you forgot to tick "Save mip-chain" in cubemapgen.