Today, while playing Skyrim, I was attacked by a dragon outside some town near a stable. The dragon swooped down near to me, getting ready to attack, and there were no gaurds in sight to help me out. Then all of a sudden three horses came out of nowhere and started beating on the dragon and it went down in like 12seconds!
I thought this was a random occurance so I told a friend about this, and he told me he had a smilar story. He stole a horse from somwhere and rode it out to a bandit encampment. As soon as he got off the horse, it ran into the encampment and killed every bandit there!
Has anyone else had any heroic horse or other animal scenarios?

Re: Dragon stories - I've had two dragons appear, one of which attacks a giant, and the giant clobbers it to death. It was ace. I've seen an Imperial Guard jump onto the head of a landed dragon, spearing it through the head with his sword. Ace moments.
I've also twice seen dragons fly straight through mountains. Not so cool
Also, I don't think people want another skyrim topic that could easily fit into the main one.
My thoughts exactly. SCB, you muppet. Mod merge thread please.
Dragons... the creatures that are supposed to be raising entire villages to the ground, that eat HERDS of horse/sheep/cow/people for their main meals of the day, the creatures that are considdered the apex predators of apex predators, they literally rule ALL in the world of flora and fauna.
the Dovakhiin apparently being "special" and the only thing able to combat them effectively! except, of course... 4 horses, or 1 giant, or a troll, probably even some of those wild foxes or wolves you see running around.
sorry Bethesda, you've really really gone off the mark with how badass dragons are supposed to be.
yes, because that makes a big difference right? i mean... the dragon can just keep coming back if the soul isn't absorbed...... but that's okay, BECAUSE FOUR HORSES CAN KILL IT.
Usually by the time I catch up with a dragon, a mammoth or a collection of smaller wildlife has almost killed it alreaay.
That said, I'm not too worried, the mod community did a great job balancing Oblivion and making it challenging, so I'm sure somebody will fix the horses and dragons soon enough
If it's anything like the system in Oblivion, which is likely - cranking the difficulty works via making everything else stronger, and by making you weaker. In other words, horses would get stronger in the same manner that dragons would get stronger, which wouldn't change anything.
I believe it is a statue of St George slaying a dragon. I saw this when I went to Berlin, wish I took my own photo!