What is with Kojimas boner for that era in the MGS series... gimme some contemporary MGS stuff (sans Raiden), maybe in the years between MGS1 and MGS2 when Snake and Otacon had to go into hiding. There's even a mobile game coming out thats set in the 'Sans Frontiers' Big Boss period. 60's MGS is getting a tiny bit boring now, move on.
Ground Zeroes is not a mobile phone title. And the title you are thinking of is not getting a general release on phones yet, it's for an exclusive kind of phone/service in Japan.
ive never really played the metal gear solid series but MY GOD THAT LOOKS AWESOME :DDDD thats going to get me wanting to play the other or watch lets plays of them.
Alright, im just throwing this out there, i know its Kojima, and Metal gear, but that was literally 35 seconds of "Gameplay" in an 11 minute video, titled "Gameplay Trailer". I just... i dunno. Yeah it looks amazing, but...
Alright, im just throwing this out there, i know its Kojima, and Metal gear, but that was literally 35 seconds of "Gameplay" in an 11 minute video, titled "Gameplay Trailer". I just... i dunno. Yeah it looks amazing, but...
its soooo badasss!!! This could be better than 3!!!! I am so excited for this.
Good choice on Ennio for music preference. I wonder if Harry Gregson-Williams will continue to do the music for this game. 3 was outstanding, but i know he said that might be his last. I wonder if any of the psp had his music. I gotta try Peace Walked HD so i can play it. Heard good things about it.
I bought the HD collection for 360 months ago but never put it in the tray. This trailer has reignited my interest in MGS. Played Peacewalker pretty much all last night. It's a true MGS game. That ennio morricone track too (which i think is from 4). Such a good choice of music. Oh, and it's not dubstep which always helps.
Guns of the Pats., is a quality game, nevermind what people have written about the lengthy cut scenes - i loved them, and the choices given to snake in the actual gameplay. Hardly played the first 3, but if it's better than #4 than it will be very pleasant.
shame that peace walker is only on psp ( not anyone would have chance to play it), it has amazing gameplay too. it is actually the first prototype of metal gear open world. where you can go around the levels saving prisoners or capturing enemy soldier and make them as your ally or have them to build your MSF base.
'bout time, Michael Biehn isn't getting any younger...
haha pretty much old school Sam Fisher, Hideo Kojima really loves splinter cell.
Also holy fuck that was sexy looking!
driving vehicles, now that very big map for sneaking game ...., .." anything you can see down there , you can go ... O_o dafuq?"
i love how Kojima's team constantly ups the ante when it comes to what our hardware can do.
Quoted for truth
Good choice on Ennio for music preference. I wonder if Harry Gregson-Williams will continue to do the music for this game. 3 was outstanding, but i know he said that might be his last. I wonder if any of the psp had his music. I gotta try Peace Walked HD so i can play it. Heard good things about it.
papa Hideo Kojima -san talks @ pax! XD 1 hour coverage