Hey everyone.
I am a student in my graduating quarter at the Art Institute - San Diego and I wanted to share some of my work with you all. The scene was modeled in Max/Zbrush and rendered in UDK.
I made use of tiled textures and modular wall pieces for most of the architecture as well as tons of decals to remove the "tiled" look.
I don't have much time left to make changes but any recommendations or critiques are welcome.
Are you planning to post any wireframes or textures?
And that lightmap issue will be fixed as well, there are a few of them lurking in the scene.
It feels like that corner with the stands don't get there appropriate focus. .
It looks like you symmetry'ed the main building which is good, but you can see the texture flipping in the middle.
I think your lighting could be a bit more pronounced as well, for instance the castle area looks flat from the bottom, if you provided a strong directional that brings out highlights and provides more shadows, you'd get a much stronger composition.
Otherwise looking good, the shops look great.
I'd either thin them out or have a larger main tower in the center.
@CrackRockSteady & Samfisher84: Yes, I have some with me to show today.
@sltrOlsson: I have tweaked lightmass and SSAO some, but not to a major extent. Should I try to squeeze more contrast out of it?
@ParoXum: I agree the road can be darker and it's not helping that the sidewalk is dark and sitting right next to it. Will tone down the value.
@kaburan: The road is currently setup for vertex painting, although I agree the edges can be more defined. Darkening the dirt tilable used can address that since I tried to paint that in along the edge. Also more dirt
@WetWired: A middle piece of the tower would be a great idea because currently my lightmaps aren't agreeing with symmetry. That's my biggest problem is that visible line down the middle.
The houses are comprised of the modular pieces shown along with supporting trim pieces.