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Syncing Webpage to iPhone?

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Joopson quad damage
Hey guys,
All this recent talk about iPhones got me wondering. Let's say I have my entire website in a folder. It's a webpage with a grey background and many images. Is there any way to sync this folder locally to my iPhone so I can carry around a viewable portfolio with pretty good load times, or is this unheard of in the iWorld?
It seems like syncing files would be a pretty basic part of an iPhone, but I couldn't find anything about this on the rest of the interweb.

I realize I could just save them to the photo library, but then I run the risk of scrolling to family vacation photos, et cetera.

Something like this could really be a boon for those in the game industry.


  • Pac_187
    Offline / Send Message
    Pac_187 polycounter lvl 11
    Yep it's possible. Just tested it by myself.

    I found a File-Manager app. named "Phone Drive" in the german Appstore, but it should be available on the other stores too. It costs about 1$ right now.

    How does it work?
    Put your Website into a folder and make a .zip of it, start iTunes, choose your phone, click on "Apps", scroll down. There should be a list of applications there which allow you to drop files on the phone, choose the "Phone Drive" application and drag 'n drop your zip-file into the window.

    Here's a image of it in iTunes:

    Now start the "Phone Drive" app. on your iPhone, click on the zip-file and unzip it.
    Go into the un-zipped folder and click on your index.html, enjoy :D
  • Joopson
    Offline / Send Message
    Joopson quad damage
    Nice! Pretty easy, even.

    Thanks for the help!
  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    If you have an Iphone 4s you can just mount the phone to your PC like a USB stick.
  • Joopson
    Offline / Send Message
    Joopson quad damage
    Nah, just a 3GS, or whatever- I inherited it from my Brother recently, so I'm trying to make the most out of it with no service.

    Again, thanks for the help, guys. Hope this thread can help others, too.
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