Hey guys,
All this recent talk about iPhones got me wondering. Let's say I have my entire website in a folder. It's a webpage with a grey background and many images. Is there any way to sync this folder locally to my iPhone so I can carry around a viewable portfolio with pretty good load times, or is this unheard of in the iWorld?
It seems like syncing files would be a pretty basic part of an iPhone, but I couldn't find anything about this on the rest of the interweb.
I realize I could just save them to the photo library, but then I run the risk of scrolling to family vacation photos, et cetera.
Something like this could really be a boon for those in the game industry.
I found a File-Manager app. named "Phone Drive" in the german Appstore, but it should be available on the other stores too. It costs about 1$ right now.
How does it work?
Put your Website into a folder and make a .zip of it, start iTunes, choose your phone, click on "Apps", scroll down. There should be a list of applications there which allow you to drop files on the phone, choose the "Phone Drive" application and drag 'n drop your zip-file into the window.
Here's a image of it in iTunes:
Now start the "Phone Drive" app. on your iPhone, click on the zip-file and unzip it.
Go into the un-zipped folder and click on your index.html, enjoy
Thanks for the help!
Again, thanks for the help, guys. Hope this thread can help others, too.