Hi PC. This is a personal project I'm working on atm and came to the point where I could use some critiques.
Here's a rough photo I put together in photoshop of my idea I'm going for.
Here are some renders in game
I would like to get some advices on my lighting setup. I only have a directional light and 1 point light at the wooden bench. Some areas are really dark.
Viewport lighting
I'll be posting some issues in the next post with some screenshots that I've been having problems with.
ok so I want to achieve this UDK viewport perspective but my ingame perspective is off from my viewport. I wasn't expecting this until I tried playing in game mode. Also there's an odd line coming from my landscape ground. My textures are tiled and this does not happen anywhere else with the same texture but it does happen very few in some places with different textures. I'm guessing it's a lighting issue or something not sure but everything worked correctly before I turned my terrain into a landscape and now I can't go back.
And I'm not sure what this white spot is on my window. I don't have any white on my texture. I'm guessing it's another lighting problem.
There must be a way for you to change the FOV or camera settings to make the shot like you want it. It's looking really good. With the in-game shot the main building is too far away I'd say hopefully you'll find some way to fix it.
Regarding the bugs I don't really have any good answers for it. Are things welded properly? Seams could be lightmap seams, it's weird for the terrain though. If you can't fix it, hide the seam with props or decals that's what we do in the industry xD
It's looking pretty good so far. Though I'd check the lighting. You don't have a clear focus in the environment, what the focal point should be for the viewer. Everything seems to have the same lighting value (if you know what I mean). I personally like more contrast in the lighting to really get the eye where you want it to be. Other than a few visible texture seems its looking good.
if you open the command line ingame (use the tilde key, the one with either this: ~ symbol on it, or the one with the three above the two, for mathematical powers, in any case, it should be to the top left of your keyboard, right under the escape key if i'm right), you can type "FOV 120", 120 being the angle you wish the FOV to be. you can't do this in the UDK viewport, but you could take your ingame screenshots this way.
you can also make a tiledshot, but expontential height fog actors mess this up, so don't use that command if you have one of those.
other than that I don't know anything more to say about your environment, other than perhaps that the bench with the bunny looks a bit out of place to me (meaning, in the wrong physical position, not necessarily out of theme), and that this needs gargoyles on pillars with a gate between them at least that's something i'm imagining when I look at this.
That is one helluvan ugly matte painting you got there, but the environment is quite beautiful looking. Here are two points I think would work on:
If you're going with the composition in the first in-game image, which I think is a good idea, I would work on blending the ground, bench, and grass a lot better, with some lovingly arranged foliage and shader-work.
There's a lot of desaturated green, and a little more color, maybe some bold reds and yellows on flowers or mushrooms would add a lot more interest to the scene.
And I'm not sure what this white spot is on my window. I don't have any white on my texture. I'm guessing it's another lighting problem.
Regarding the bugs I don't really have any good answers for it. Are things welded properly? Seams could be lightmap seams, it's weird for the terrain though. If you can't fix it, hide the seam with props or decals that's what we do in the industry xD
Good work so far!
you can also make a tiledshot, but expontential height fog actors mess this up, so don't use that command if you have one of those.
other than that I don't know anything more to say about your environment, other than perhaps that the bench with the bunny looks a bit out of place to me (meaning, in the wrong physical position, not necessarily out of theme), and that this needs gargoyles on pillars with a gate between them
looks great so far imo
I can't say i'm very good with colors and what not, but to make it feel more foresty like maybe tint it slightly green?
If you're going with the composition in the first in-game image, which I think is a good idea, I would work on blending the ground, bench, and grass a lot better, with some lovingly arranged foliage and shader-work.
There's a lot of desaturated green, and a little more color, maybe some bold reds and yellows on flowers or mushrooms would add a lot more interest to the scene.