Hey guys, I've been deep into skyrim the past couple days, and it's really screaming at me to make some mods for fun and portfolio pieces, but mostly for fun. I started by making the "sword of a thousand truths" from south parks "make love, not warcraft" episode. I was hoping you guys could give me some constructive input on what I have so far. I would like to be able to take this into mudbox and start adding some fine details but I don't think the existing model I have right now is going to be much use in there as it won't subdivide properly.
Any help is appreciated, and please don't tear the model apart too bad. This is my first time doing something like this, so I would be amazed if I get it right first try, but hopefully by the end of this, I'll have an awesome sword to give to the community. I know the creation kit hasn't been released yet either.

Same goes for the mouth, make the nose stick out compared to the mouth.
Your biggest flaw here is the skull being too flat, a skull is rounded!
Good luck!
//edit. that was just some idea's for the skull to look mean.
As for the rest of the model, i dont see the horns helping in this design really. Its getting a bit cliche, and without them you have a cleaner, in my opinion prettier design. If you want to go for more epic, defently increase the blade length and possibly the handle lenght too. Two handed swords always look epic, so big handles sell that for me
Thanks guys, anything else you feel could use work, let me know. I have no problem with criticism as long as it's constructive. Pick away
I'm sorry if this is a known issue, or something that's been discussed before. It's new to me.
McLarke92, I agree, that's something else I was planning on fixing. After I get this skull fixed
and Gannon, the uv was made after the optimization. What do you mean exactly by re-transfer? Cause i'm stumped! hahaha
here's the model i'm currently working on on an unrelated project of the sword that will illustrate my point.