I've been working on this prop for a few days now. The normals are pretty much done and I've finished texturing most of the metal parts. I've barely worked on the wood texture and I still need to make the hands and a proper specular map. Any critiques would be appreciated.


The polycount is at 3144 right now, but I'm still trying to get it down more. I don't know how much more I can do without losing a lot the silhouette.

Not sure if it'll help, but you might be able to take something away from this, an old clock i started a few weeks ago:
And if I may ask: in the high-poly model, how did you make the floral designs at the top of the clock and around the face? Is it geometry or a normal map? (Looks really good!)
The floral designs were made in zbrush using zscketches and baked into the normal map.
I'd be inclined to take some of the colour out of the wood diffuse (seems very orange on my monitor) and put it in the spec instead. At the moment the wood looks like it has been heavily varnished, alternatively if this is the look you are going for it might be worth putting a reflection map in - quick ref I found that may be of use: