Going for a realistic floor tile for an old amazon style temple that has been around for a long time. Learned a lot from the last one tried to apply all of that knowledge to this sculpt. Let me know what you think, please comment and critique it as you see fit. And as always enjoy!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my work!
Most of those subtle edge details in between the bricks will get washed out at lower resolutions.
Add in the occasional tilted or missing brick. Think about bringing in other elements like roots, leaves or other material types to make it a little more interesting.
Thanks for the critique, will do on the cracks and pock marks! The idea is to create a base version then go in and do a super damaged version with moss, major cracks, and general dirt. So that way I can vertex blend between the two. That was the plan anyway. I will definitely go in and add the cracks along the edges along with the pock marks to get a better base version, then I will destroy the hell out of it in the damaged version.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my work and critique it.
Rendered in UDK
Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag
Texture So Far