Hi, Polycounters.
MayaFPS is a plugin for
Autodesk® Maya® which implements first person camera controls. The plugin allows controlling the perspective camera in Maya using traditional first person shooter controls (WASD for movement, mouse to look around). This is very useful and saves a lot of time for a lot of scene types, like game levels and architectural walkthroughs for example.
[ame=""]MayaFPS: First Person Camera Plugin For Maya - YouTube[/ame]
Features- Traditional first person shooter controls using WASD. First person controls are engaged when you click and hold the right mouse button (RMB).
- Keyboard modifiers for controlling the activation of first person controls. You can use any combination of CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, and the Windows Logo (WIN) key as modifiers (the default uses no modifiers at all).
- If no keyboard modifiers are used, Maya's Marking Menu (the menu which normally shows up when you right-click the viewport) can still be easily accessed by tapping the left mouse button (LMB) while RMB is down. Once you get used to this, you will find that it's easier and faster than using keyboard modifiers.
- Highly adjustable - tweak the plugin settings until it feels just right. Movement speed can be adjusted on the fly using the mouse wheel. Mouse sensitivity can also be adjusted using keyboard shortcuts.
- Adjustable mouse smoothing parameters - the default settings are ideal for regular usage, but cranking the smoothing parameters higher makes rotations so smooth that recording a pleasant fly-through may no longer require key-framing the camera.
- Ability to lock the camera movement across the horizontal plane to simulate walking instead of flying. To constrain the camera movement across the horizontal plane, simply toggle the CAPS LOCK key on. Toggle it off to free the camera.
- Easy and intuitive user interface for modifying plugin settings.
- Automatic updates notification. By default, the plugin will check for updates every time it's loaded in Maya.
- Very low resource usage.
Please visit the
plugin homepage for a free demo version or to purchase the full version. Thank you.