Working on a really cool concept of an asian ship I saw on Fuckyeaconceptart tumblr.
What I have so far
Just did the basic meshes. I know I still have to get the proportions of everything right but I'm not going to make it perfectly exact.
how are you going to go about this, is it going to a level where the player can walk around in or is it going to be a prop you would see from the distance? I like the concept though!
interesting concept piece there. Certainly will be fun to tackle. your proportions look solid so far, I'd be taking the approach you are and not trying to make it exact, since it is just a perspective drawing, you wouldn't be able to get any exact proportions from it. Looking forward to see what you do with this
great concept to tackle, and you have a good base for starting. If this is going to be a playable level, are you thinking of adding assets inside the level, or are you thinking to make it enough to run around.
I just started doing it. I never modeled a creature head before(only a human head). I'm looking for a generic dragon head reference picture (side and front) for a basic mesh and then tweaking it so it looks like the one in the concept art.
why do people cut off the artists name on concept art? (not referring to OP).
keep going