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[Maya] Component mode transformations doesn't work

So this just happened:
Maya got a fatal error and crashed and after I restarted the program I got this wierd problem. Whenever I select components and try to transform them the transformation applies to the whole object and not just the selected components, just as if I was working in object mode. If I select two vertices for example and try to scale them the whole object scales. It's the same with the move and rotate tool.
I've tried resetting my transformation tools and restored my preferences to default but no change. I have no idea why this is happening, maybe some wierd setting was activated or something.
Anyone know what might have caused this and how to solve the problem? I can't get any work done until it's resolved :(


  • o2_is_alright
    I restarted Maya for the eleventh time and suddenly the problem was gone. Still have no idea what caused this issue but at least it's working properly again.
    EDIT: Ok, found out what was wrong, really silly (as usual). I had activated soft selection by mistake and the "Viewport color" checkbox in the tool options was unchecked so it didn't show in the viewport.
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