I am working with one of the default scenes in UDK and simply trying to add a post process effect. I opened up UTPostProcess_PC and added a new material node to the end of the chain, and enabled it in editor and game. Then I created a new material and took a Scene Texture Sample and multiplied it and wired it's output to the emmisive channel. Then I set the material to BLEND_Translucent and MLM_Unlit. Unfortunately all this gives me is a black screen and I haven't got the slightest clue why or how to go about fixing it.
Here is a screenshot.
Your package with the material is saved ?
Whether it's saved or not saved doesn't seem to make any difference for me, unfortunately.
Any help would be much appreciated!
you can always try and treat your own post process chain. without all the unnecessary stuff if youre just trying out a effect.
bUsedWithPostProcess. turn it on if its not.