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Is this a valid way of practice?

polycounter lvl 11
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MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
Is creating orthos from a model and using them as a reference a valid way of practice? Every now and then if I need to model something I havent modeled before ill usually create a model sheet reference of a model from a game and use it as the base for mine (I mean make pictures with the game model, and then model my own against it). Ive done this a few times to get a good basemesh to bring into ZBrush, but how will this affect me in the future? Is this not how I should practice or what id expect from a concept artist? Surely you cant just model a character up against nothing :S.


  • Paunescu.Daniel
    as far as I know game companies use a lot of concept art before they start modelling, but it helps to be able to do stuff off your head. I'm not a pro, still learning as well but i think that any method that makes you model faster and better is a good way to go, maybe after you get more experienced you won't need refs at all.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    frell wrote: »
    Surely you cant just model a character up against nothing :S.

    Sure you can, and in the industry you often will need to. There's no guarantee orthographics, or even standard concepts, will be available to base your work off of, sometimes you'll just be given a general verbal/written outline of what's needed and nothing else. If you can concept your own work though you don't have to worry about this, and that's one of the reasons why 2D skills are so valued in the industry.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I mean id understand making a simple box form of a dragon or something and bringing it into zbrush, and thats probably just as true for any model, yes? Zbrush has changed that quite a bit. But full detailed high poly characters/animals with no foundation seems risky,
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Whether you start a model in Max/Maya/etc. and bring it into ZBrush later, or do most/all of the highpoly in zbrush, that has more to do with your personal work flow preferences then anything else.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I would think it would be better practice to be using less orthographic guides so that you wont have to depend on them as much in the future. If you have them then they're just another helpful tool, but either way your eyes need to be able to work with and analyze whatever reference you're given.
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