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Setting up max for lowpoly lighting

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
Hello :DThis thread is one of my favourites and I'm just mucking around in Max right now with some of my own lowpoly stuff.

I already have my viewport set up to render unfiltered but I am hoping others can help me with some specific questions about lighting/rendering in Max for lowpoly assets.

What I want is to get shadows casting on my model that are just simple ray traces shadows, while maintaining the unfiltered look.

When I render out some lighting, its filtered. And if I enable hardware rendering in the viewport, that is also filtered.

Anyone have info on how to get shadows/lighting while maintaining an unfiltered look?



  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    You know any shaders? It's really simple to set up a shader with unfiltered diffuse samplers, and you could just get that shader to use shadows. If you're not afraid to get you hands dirty, just edit the code in my shader to state "POINT" instead of "LINEAR" for the diffuse sampler. Then you get all the shader features + unfiltered textures.
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