I been having trouble with my texture of my flower and i want the grass and the flower petals to be transparent but everything else goes transparent i dont know how to set up the shader in maya or set it up for the just the petal and grass to be transparent. Can anyone help me?
The likely faster way would be to use Maya's shading system to invert the alpha input of your shading network, though it's been too long since I last used Maya so I don't remember how to do this off hand, sorry.
Here is the problem and my texture it has a alpha channel but i really dont know how to make a transparent texture i just want the flower and the grass i will add in transparent
Help me please
Does your grass have the same material applied to it as the flower?
Does your grass have UVs assigned to it?
What does your alpha channel look like?
You should just go ahead and test it out in Unity, everything will look and behave differently in Unity than it will in Maya anyway. This might just be a problem with Maya.
One more thing, you're going to want to fill up the white areas on your diffuse with the same colors you are painting the texture with. In other words add padding to your texture. It won't help with the transparency issue, but it will help when it's viewed at a distance in Unity due to mip mapping.
Although from that screenshot it seems like your doing it correctly anyways.
I'm not too sure about the exact command names, as I've said I haven't used Maya in 5 years. But I think that will solve your problem.
Also show us your alpha channel/texture.
I exported as a fbx file and loaded it into unity. The texture was a normal diffuse but when looking from different angles the textures only show one side so i am confused.
The reason one side of the texture is invisible is because you're using one-sided planes. Unity will only render one side, leaving the backfaces invisible. You can either:
- turn off "nocull" so both sides of the plane will be rendered (you'll have to make a custom material for that, though. I found one on google last time I looked)
- or just duplicate the planes and flip the faces inside out. You won't be saving polygons, though...
It's recommended to take the second approach because the first one will leave you with some more problems-- your lighting and shadows will be all messed up. If you google "unity two-sided material" you'll find a bunch of discussion about it.