Wow...that is...pretty big turn of events, I must say. I still recall Beth calling modders less then flattering words when the entire nude mod thing happened, and here we are, almost 5-6 years later, getting the kit as part of the PC package.
Wow...that is...pretty big turn of events, I must say. I still recall Beth calling modders less then flattering words when the entire nude mod thing happened, and here we are, almost 5-6 years later, getting the kit as part of the PC package.
Bloody nice!
Huh? Beth has always fully encouraged mods, no? The construction set was always part of the PC releases.
Wow...that is...pretty big turn of events, I must say. I still recall Beth calling modders less then flattering words when the entire nude mod thing happened, and here we are, almost 5-6 years later, getting the kit as part of the PC package.
Bloody nice!
No, you're thinking of John Romero's old reaction to the Oblivion rerating to M because modders can swap male textures on females to get their nipples.
woah december 15th? seriously close deadline for something involving all those criteria or are there seperate prizes for each category, like a prize for the armor category and one for the dungeon category etc?
Must be fully functional and integrated
Must have a reward tied to the end of the quest chain
Must have engaging lore tied in to quest
Dungeons should have significant length and provide a sense of accomplishment when completed
Must be fully functional and integrated
Does not necessarily need a huge reward, but should be worthwhile
Must not be carbon-copied from another dungeon within the game, should have significant changes if using another dungeon as base
If fixing or expanding upon a dungeon already in-game, the mod must make meaningful changes and serve a purpose
Before December the 15th? Do these people live on another planet?
Am I reading that correctly? One month in which they expect people to learn the tools AND do something of the substantive quality they're wanting? Not going to happen. With so little time all they're going to be getting are the very 'junk' mods they mention not wanting *rolleyes*
Submission deadline to be considered for the $3k bonus is December 15th
Mods uploaded between 11/11/11 and 12/15/11 are eligible
Winners announced on or around December 17th
I don't know what kind of mods they're encouraging with these prizes, it seems like you could make almost any random thing and be almost guaranteed $20-50 bucks
I don't know what kind of mods they're encouraging with these prizes, it seems like you could make almost any random thing and be almost guaranteed $20-50 bucks
Yep, and then they publish the item as DLC for console....
that image... title says its 15000$, but if you count all the prizes listed under each category, there is only 13000$. Am I doing something wrong? :poly141:
that image... title says its 15000$, but if you count all the prizes listed under each category, there is only 13000$. Am I doing something wrong? :poly141:
That's true, and then if you add on the "Submission deadline to be considered for the $3k bonus is December 15th" you get $16,000.
Given the amount of prizes you're almost garaunteed to get at least the lowest prize for each catagory.. however that's way less than the amount of work required for making a NPC/Character as well as implementing it into the game. I think I'd struggle to get it completed within a month, as well as taking up my time and not being able to contribute on the mod project I'm on. I suppose you'd be able to mention that your work "won" a skyrim mod competition.. even if it game #140th.
They would get better submissions if they halved the amount of winners, especially in the last place spots. It seems more like they're going for a general motivator for the modding community though
The main problem I'd have with it, is that for in order for me to come up with some kind of decent 'quest', I'd have to spend considerable time playing the game in order to understand it, and subsequently the tool set well enough to produce
The main problem I'd have with it, is that for in order for me to come up with some kind of decent 'quest', I'd have to spend considerable time playing the game in order to understand it, and subsequently the tool set well enough to produce
meh, the game isn't much different than oblivion gameplay wise, so its really just learning the tools and/or scripting needed.
After seeing some complaints about the deadline the staff of skyrimforge claimed that they are probably going to change it. The info should be there next week. Maybe I will change my mind and give it a go
Before December the 15th? Do these people live on another planet?
i was going to join in but jesus christ, 1 month? that pretty much guarantees that only people with heaps of gamebryo modding experience will stand a chance. that and employees.
So, they want mods, and we aren't even sure if the toolkit will be out by then? I mean, I hope it comes out in the next two weeks, but really we can't be sure... It's a shame, I want to get to modding!
hmmm... I got nothing going on. I used to make models for oblivion, the tools were really easy to use and heck. if you do a character/item you'll need to spend more time on the modeling anyways so that would be the best way to ensure it goes smoothly.
Bloody nice!
Huh? Beth has always fully encouraged mods, no? The construction set was always part of the PC releases.
No, you're thinking of John Romero's old reaction to the Oblivion rerating to M because modders can swap male textures on females to get their nipples.
Before December the 15th? Do these people live on another planet?
Yep, and then they publish the item as DLC for console....
that image... title says its 15000$, but if you count all the prizes listed under each category, there is only 13000$. Am I doing something wrong? :poly141:
That's true, and then if you add on the "Submission deadline to be considered for the $3k bonus is December 15th" you get $16,000.
Given the amount of prizes you're almost garaunteed to get at least the lowest prize for each catagory.. however that's way less than the amount of work required for making a NPC/Character as well as implementing it into the game. I think I'd struggle to get it completed within a month, as well as taking up my time and not being able to contribute on the mod project I'm on. I suppose you'd be able to mention that your work "won" a skyrim mod competition.. even if it game #140th.
meh, the game isn't much different than oblivion gameplay wise, so its really just learning the tools and/or scripting needed.
i was going to join in but jesus christ, 1 month? that pretty much guarantees that only people with heaps of gamebryo modding experience will stand a chance. that and employees.
Obviously the decent looking texture and graphic mods are going to take months
Who says I played Oblivion much
Nope no toolkit yet.