WOW. Korean ARPG just blew my mind.
HD version on Youtube with subtitles
[ame=""]Lineage Eternal - YouTube[/ame]
So much awesomeness. I really dig the gesture based spell casting.
I have no idea what they are saying but just watching the art is really amazing.
Check it out;)
I'm happy I can use my tablet. I'm happy that the crazy design of 10 ton armor and bikini armor has been toned down. I'm happy that the game seems more partial to skillset then Pay2Win. I'm happy about all of that.
But it's going to be one of those games where you have to try and kill a boss for 6 hours, isn't it?
Gorgeous and grindy :P
They have that 'korean filter' thing that makes everything look awesome.
Looks like they went back to Lineage 1 gameplay (Ultima Online meets Diablo).
gg korea
EDIT phew.. its not an MMO .. lol
EDIT 2 oh yes it is.. >___<
It'll be out in 2013 too if it makes it. Not in danger yet.
considering diablo 3 will come out, bring out the thrist for more.
then u have a mmorpg version that looks like (what some fans would agree ) D3 should have.
its a smart move !