thatanimator.... it does allow people to do crappy-esque stuff by themselves... if they make their own program. you still have to buy a program to do all the stuff though. Ive been using this lately at work and its actually surprisingly good! Ive only done stuff with 1 kinect, which i found to be more smooth than 3 PSeyes set up. Gonna be using 2 kinects very soon too.
but iPiSoft is a great program. really easy to use. Though, Ive found issues with exporting as an .fbx, and importing your own custom rig, and exporting it doesnt seem to work. the improt works fine, and it shows up find in the program, but if you export it, it just exports the softwares rig with the animations. not your own.
Ive been exporting it into motion builder, then right away exporting it into maya 2012 to use with their humanIK system
They have since fixed that bug, and in order to export the animations of of your target rigg. Import target character and just "Export Animation.... "(under take menu)
It will then export the transferred animation off of the armature, onto the target character and into bones with the same skeletal structure as the target character.
I have tested and used this many times and it is working flawless at this point.
Let me know if you need a demonstration, or my tutorials are at
I got the free trial of it for testing about 2 weeks ago, and the issues are still there. was there an update in the last two weeks?
Also, your calibration video using the cardboard. do you have to do that every time you capture stuff? or can you save the scene preferences like when using 4 PSEs?
Ok, I just did a test with the duel kinects and holy crap! its REALLY good for a non-marking system. like wooooow. Super smooth. great tracking. super easy to use. Now I just get to teach myself the ways of editting it afterwards using animation layers and what not. should be interesting.
Thanks bones. Your tutorials really helped me out. I think the reason my rigs were exporting properly before was because I was hitting export animation, instead of right clicking on the take bar and exporting it that way. I also wasnt using takes before? I dont really know what they are for. lol Im guessing field of interest is for what you are working on at that moment. and takes are just so you can do multiple actions in the same video and export them seperately? I dunno.
Awesome stuff. My company will definitely be picking this up
Yes that is absolutely correct, with takes you control and manage your animations before export. that way you can omit mistakes without having to reshoot your session of movements.
my ass!
I thought this kinect hack would allow people to do some crappy-esque mocap by themselves for the price of a kinect or two...
gawd damn!
might as well just fucking order a mocap shoot if stuff is gonna have these kinds of prices!
I was waiting for 2-3 kinect support, hoping that the data would turn out better than 1 kinect.. $600? fuck that, might as well hand key it lulz
but iPiSoft is a great program. really easy to use. Though, Ive found issues with exporting as an .fbx, and importing your own custom rig, and exporting it doesnt seem to work. the improt works fine, and it shows up find in the program, but if you export it, it just exports the softwares rig with the animations. not your own.
Ive been exporting it into motion builder, then right away exporting it into maya 2012 to use with their humanIK system
They have since fixed that bug, and in order to export the animations of of your target rigg. Import target character and just "Export Animation.... "(under take menu)
It will then export the transferred animation off of the armature, onto the target character and into bones with the same skeletal structure as the target character.
I have tested and used this many times and it is working flawless at this point.
Let me know if you need a demonstration, or my tutorials are at
My Website is
There is a FREE 30 day demo of iPiSoft Basic for 2 kinects there for anyone who is interested.
Also, your calibration video using the cardboard. do you have to do that every time you capture stuff? or can you save the scene preferences like when using 4 PSEs?
Thanks bones. Your tutorials really helped me out. I think the reason my rigs were exporting properly before was because I was hitting export animation, instead of right clicking on the take bar and exporting it that way. I also wasnt using takes before? I dont really know what they are for. lol Im guessing field of interest is for what you are working on at that moment. and takes are just so you can do multiple actions in the same video and export them seperately? I dunno.
Awesome stuff. My company will definitely be picking this up
Yes that is absolutely correct, with takes you control and manage your animations before export. that way you can omit mistakes without having to reshoot your session of movements.
Heres our Twitter.
Check out this Video in HD folks.
Let me know what you think of this update.
Here it shows me using a 180 degree calibration of 2 kinect sensor cameras.
Producing a full 360 degree hologram of myself in iPiSoft Basic Studio.
This is well worth the $595! Cheers