Is there a way to make a point to point selection aka shortest path between two points or edges in max(script) ?
My mesh is triangulated so loop tools wont work.
I need something like the edge tool shortest path of unfold 3d, if you are familiar with it.
Thanks !
edit: i can do it in the unwrap modifier in max 2012 but no way to convert the unwrap edges to edit poly edges
I'll manage with the unwrap. I don't get why faces selection is remembered in the edit poly when you collapse the unwrap, but not edges selection (i suspect max beeing stupid tho)
edit :
I've found a script that select in-between edges but it takes very long in my case (canceled after 10 min).
Then I've found a way to convert uv edge to poly edge, so i will use the point to point selection of the unwrap then convert it to a poly edge selection.
Eventhough the conversion is a bit long, it's faster than select the edges manually.
The more of these requests and reports they get the more likely they are to add it.
I'm not sure it would be useful beside triangulated topology. But maybe their new 123D Catch calls for such an editing tool.
Here it is, not sure if it still works with 2009+ but it´s not encrypted.
Well here goes:
I took a look at the Codfolio script and it works the exact same way, simple distance check. The only difference is that his has a dialog box and a snazzy preview. And mine works on EditMesh or Poly.
To use my script just select 2 verts on an EditMesh or EditPoly object and run the script through a hotkey or quad menu. My script seems to run faster, but his can be helpful if your object is very convex or concave.
To install my script place it in just one of these folders:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\UI\MacroScripts
C:\Users\USERNAMEXXX\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2012 - 64bit\enu\UI\usermacros
Then restart max and look in the "monsterBlues" category to bind to a hotkey or quadmenu.
Let me know if there are any problems. If the script seems to freeze, just hold ESC down for a few seconds, and the script will exit.
I'll try all those scripts and come back to tell which was the fastest in my case.
Thanks again !
Anyways, i've come across a few scripts the do shortest distance selection, but non have the practicality of the rubber-banned-assisted-continuous-selection way of the PtP edge selection found in the unwrap modifier, so to the script wizards here, is there any way to mimic the same behavior in a script?... and for anybody else interested in this functionality, you can(please do) head over here and vote for this...