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Dingoo, Caanoo, or Wiz?

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Geezus mod
So, I've been looking into getting a linux based handheld for awhile now. I'm pretty confident I'll be snagging a Dingoo a380 soon enough, but I wanted to hear if anyone else has had experiences with other handhelds.

So, do you own a third party, linux based, handheld? If so, which one and why?

Not looking to talk about or support warez/pirating.


  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    If its using emulators, how does it work with games that need more than a few buttons (like the Dos emulator).
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I would imagine games requiring more than 6 buttons wouldn't be played on it, then. I look at it more along the lines of booting up some classic titles that aren't available on other handhelds, currently. Along with some fun homebrew action.
  • Cap
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    Cap triangle
    I got an a320 from thinkgeek maybe a year ago, and its prob the best portable system Ive ever owned. Most games I want to play on it work great (the exception being some snes games that just wont work or the frameskip just isnt quite right), and it fits great in my pocket so its actually portable. Overall it was def worth the money for me.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I read into these a bit recently. If you get a dingoo, get ahold of Dingux (linux distro) and you'll be able to easily add newer and better emulators. I've read some of the built in emulators are quite crap.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12

    a bit more pricey but the community's emulator developers are extremely talented. runs ps1 and n64, and many dosbox games fine. full keyboard, dual analog sticks, touchscreen and your choice of linux desktops.

    the main advantage here is the quality of emulation. some of the emulators packed on those chinese systems will slow down, whereas the pandora's community has many talented developers that are excellent at making stuff nice and speedy.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Slum wrote: »
    I read into these a bit recently. If you get a dingoo, get ahold of Dingux (linux distro) and you'll be able to easily add newer and better emulators. I've read some of the built in emulators are quite crap.

    Apparently the a380 comes with a slimmed down version of Dingux now. I do believe I'll be ordering my Dingoo a380. :D
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