I am an environment/prop modeller. This is my current project . It's a modular environment for UDK. It's going to be a show piece, based on The Strahov Monastery Library in Prague. The lighting is rough still. When I get to the window textures I will be adding emissive properties to create a more realistic lighting situation. I'm cleaning up my AO's and normals. There is still much to do. I was looking for any helpful feedback I can get.
I believe you're off to a great start geometry wise! One thing that sticks out to me is your bookshelves. The book shelf arrangements look extremely repeated, and I would just suggest giving more variation to the book sizes, spaces inbetween, dividers etc. to help the bookshelves look more believable. I understand that the Strahov Monastery Library has multiple books of the same size, but even they have several differences going on. I think tweaking the sizes or adding a few labels or seals will help it not look so repeated.
I look forward to seeing more updates on this!
I really like everything else you got so far and look forward to seeing it completed.