Some of you might remember I caused an apartment fire back in Vancouver this time last year. We lost the apartment and I received 3rd degree burns on my hand and arm. Gail, my wife, was OK as were our cats.
Long story short, I'm convinced it was a blessing in disguise. In a year since then, we now both live in our home town of Toronto, ON., have dream jobs, bought a new car, are ready to own a house and our first child is due in March.
You guys were pretty amazing with encouragement and well wishes so I wanted to say thanks. I went back on Facebook Timeline and checked out comments a lot of you made around that time and I swear someone was cutting onions when I was reading it.
So - thanks guys. Greatest community ever.
I don't think I've ever shared this video with anyone outside of people I had shown it to from my phone. So here now is the video of my skin being removed. I was on a ton of drugs and cannot believe I was able to film this. I don't remember filming it in its entirety. A lot of game artists make sick, disgusting mutations, zombies, and so on so I figured at least one of you might find this interesting.
[ame=""]NOT WORK SAFE[/ame]
You should post the pics again of when it happened, and what it looks like now. I couldnt believe how much it healed when I saw it.
Glad you`re ok!
I can't bring myself to watch the video.
I'm glad you're doing a hell of a lot better! Awesome to hear about the other good news too! Congrats!
Glad to know a disaster can be turned into a blessing. And I'm honestly glad the cats are fine. I'm a cat fan.
edit: Ahh it looks like current solutions are only prototypes.
I know you got all mobility back, but what about sensation? I had a buddy who cut the tendons in both thumbs at the webbing. He regained most mobility, but sensation was shot.
Glad to hear things are working out for you Adam. You deserve all the best bud!
Wow! That is amazing how well that healed.
Glad to hear that life is working out well. Congrats to you both on the upcoming lil' addition!
<makes note>
Glad you're better
Got a link to the original thread? There was a gnarly photo in there I wanna show a friend who deep-fries a lot
Good to hear your wife and cats came out safe, and that in the end things turned out positively for the both of you. And of course, congratulations on the baby!
Seriously though, awesome that things are turning out so good for you, br00m.
I had no problem eating a meatball sandwich while watching the video.
(great to hear you were all ok)
Original Thread
Glad to hear things are going so well. I've always felt that it's the balance of the universe. When I run into a shitload of BS, it seems like something good happens as a result. As if I have to pay my dues before I can enjoy something
Side note: I think I friend requested you around that time, and you ignored me. Thanks for the
I can watch the video, but the pics just hurt my brain. Glad everything healed up for ya!
Is it me or does the first 2 pictures look normal? Looked like you had another layer of skin under, then saw the graft images
Glad you got better!
I did not notice this until you mentioned it.
Now I cannot unsee it.
I just threw up my meatball sandwich!
The video didn't gross me out, but correlating it with KFC did.
Just what I was thinking. Finger licking good!
Congrats on the upcoming baby Adam.
But happy to hear your wife and furry critters got out fine at the time, and of course congrats on the future newborn!
Glad to see you've recovered so well Adam. was that a graft from your leg?
Glad your hand is fully healed, it looks pretty awesome and you'd now make a badass comic-book villain
But be careful not to induce on yourself anymore limbwrecking blessings in disguise, please. Just do with the regular, safe blessings;)
But really glad it turned out OK for you guys, nothing worse that having to start over when something big like that happens.