Hey all, I need to make only the bsp of my level visible and hide all static meshes and other such things. The interwebs tells me the shortcut is H but that doesn't appear to do anything in my level. What am I doing wrong?
Also, I recently updated to the October release and sometime between then and the September build the scale in my level seems to have change somehow. Meshes still import at the proper size but the player seems to have shrunk significantly.
The player size still seems to be about 86 units but the level feels like it got scaled vertically. is there any way I could have accidentally screwed this up?
Not sure about your scale issue sorry
It used to be moore and look with your mouse only and when you hold down the right mouse button you could use WASD to moove around.
W is the standard key anyhow.
Thanks guys.
ALSO! if you only want to see static mesh, bsp, or any type of something.. or just something really specific.. select what u want to see in the level and hit "Show Selected Only" in the Select group of the lefthand buttons.
here is a list of all the hotkeys in the editor.
here is a downloadable cheat sheet as well