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New Game Character

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loneraver triangle
I'm just finishing up this character. Rendered in Max with a Diffuse, Spec and Normal map.

Any feeedback would be appreciated, thanks!



  • slipsius
    looks decent. but reminds me alot of the dudes from the halo series

    alot of your edges look very soft and round to me. at least, up close, on the left pic. i would harden those up. sharper edges. post bigger pics for more detailed crits though.
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    bigger images please
  • dannedadon
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    dannedadon polycounter lvl 11
    hey, i recognize it from an art test concept. And if thats the one youre doing I would suggest that you try to look at the proportions and shapes again. I dont really get the feel of mass that you see in the concept when I look at yours. The main things I would recommend taking care of are:
    1. Legs, especially the hip and thigh area. In the concept they look more massive, and they dont bend up towards the hip as they do on yours.
    2. The torso, the thin waist is good but it quickly gets bigger. Its like a very muscle-heavy guy and yours feel a little more scrany.
    3. The mace. The spikes on the mace are a little different than yours and I think the ocncept has a more interesting shape.
    4. Textures, the stoney and lava feel isnt there. I would work mainly with the specc to get the material feel.

    You got a good base, hope you can push it further =)
    and yeah, bigger images so its easier to see.
  • loneraver
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    loneraver triangle
    slipsius: The character is based on a concept drawing provided to me, but I do see what you mean about it looking like the Halo enemies!

    Illusive: Next update will be bigger :p

    dannedadon: You're right it is based on a concept drawing given to me by a game company. I just didn't think it was appropriate to publish the image :p

    You make some really good points and I hope to have an update soon with those things fixed!

    Thanks a lot for the feedback! :)

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