Hello together,
first of all, thank you for taking the time to view my work.
This is a gun i have modeled for a 1st-person shooter project, and wanted to upload the progress of my model here for feedback. This is actually my first weapon of its kind and also my first hp that detailed.
I'm looking for feedback on the accuracy of the gun, my modeling techniques and even the rendering and presentation. Please feel free to tell me what you think..

Could you just use a gray phong?
Here a collection of some screen grabs straight from max viewport. Also some missing details and text i'll add later in the texture via ndo.
I'm lovin' that bag for the ammo pouch!
ok .. another try..
Also, rendering on a black background isn't very appealing. the grey worked much better.
second that! very nice
i have a little problem when rendering in max. when i save that image out as an *.jpg, the result is much brighter, than it was in max. Any idea?
I adjusted the levels for this one in PS:
here is a little progress of my low poly of the ammo pouch. I'm still not sure, if it was the right decision to separate the bullet in the three separate things you can see in front of the pouch. This way i can use the same texture for the bullet and shell, but for the cost of some extra tris. Otherwise I can use the belt links later for animation, because when this gun gets shot, the shell and the belt link drops down to the ground. What do you think ?
didnt think you could get away with a thread of a high poly weapon without that image popping up.....:poly124:
here is a modern para
Wish I could find images for the feed tray covers underside, annoying.
thank you very much for your detailed analytics. This High Poly is modeled in mind to get a nice bake from it. That's why there are no ridges on the lower heat shield, because i'm sure, PS will do a better job. And i know some proportions are off, unfortunately, i guess it would be a pain in the ass to fit those.
An image would really help, cuz i have no idea what part you mean ^^
Maybe you are lucky here
The feed pawls are spring action but aren't actually welded or bolted into the cover, they are actually on sliders and the two smaller outside ones alternate from the big one when they slide back making a kind of crossing action. To two right pawls just go up and down and are part of the link ejection process.
Here is an excellent top down view of the inside of the SAW with the bolt to the rear. The SAW is an open bolt weapon meaning it can only fire when the bolt is cocked back. Here you should only see the bolt and bolt carrier unless you want to get more detailed.
using this reference again I labeled the major inside parts. The bolt, bolt carrier, and the piston all attach together (the firing pin would be inside the bolt and not seen). The spring slides onto the guide rod and goes into the back of the piston so is barely seen unless the bolt is forward.
The site you linked me in the PM has loads of reference for the SAW with multiple angles. My advice would be to find pictures with the parts of the SAW you modeled and try to get them from multiple angles so you can really bring out that detail in your high poly mesh.
wow, thank you really much. It seems you know this gun inside out, you got my respect.
I'll see how i can improve my high poly model, without making it to complex for baking. I'm already working at the lowpoly mesh and the hp model is designed this way to get a great normalmap out of it. That's why a lot of the inner parts like the feed pawls isn't that accurate to the reference.
(if there is no image, plz let me know)
i hope you guys see this time a pic. Somehow i have problems with my new dropbox account
For your scene lighting just do a 3 point lighting setup with a darker gray material and crank up the spec and gloss a bit.
At the distance/size you'll see it in game, the segments are really apparent.
that's battlefield 3's sight for scale comparison, you can see that at the same size some of your details still look blocky. You also need to add support edges to that backing plate thingy in your high poly, it's too blobby.
It's a good idea to look at it from the perspective it will be seen in game (hypothetically) so that you can tell what details need to be modeled in and which don't.
But here now my current lowpoly mesh. I would love to hear from you what you think. Where are too many and where are to less tris? Also some minor details are still missing. Current Tri-Count: 6290.
Pic of lowpoly:
If you aren't sure of anything on the weapon, feel free to ask.
I've always wanted to model one myself but just can't deal with how much detail it has as I barely managed to complete an M16 and it wasn't exactly the best result. I wonder how you manage!
For me, i know this weapon only because of games like battlefield and co. Never saw one in real life. I learned a lot about the weapon while studying and modeling this gun, but obviously not enough.
And i would love if someone out there experienced in weapon modeling can give me advise about the low poly mesh and tri count. (Pic on page1)
New pictures soon
all those triangles in the rear look awkward
edit: also you have some ngon faces. not sure if those are ok with you or not.
I mean this here
I forgot to post the fpv. Some notes, this has still the old scope mesh and some other minor problems, that are already fixed.
Sounds like a bad excuse for my slow progress here
As always, feel free to comment and criticise.
If the gun is going to be held at that angle and not forward a bit more, I'd model the F into that F bolt on the back.
Is the cylinder on the right of the ironsight supposed to look that way? It almost looks like a baking error where the low poly didn't have smoothign groups set up or something. I think the iron sight could use a few more triangles as well given that it'll get a good hard eyefuck if you were to iron-sight it. Right now the eotech looks much more rounded than the iron when that's closer to the camera.
I guess it's just you
Cuz i flipped the y-channel for checking, and the normals were wrong..
What did you made think so?
As well as the cap/screw labeled with "F", it just looks wrong.
Did you overlay a cavity map with the AO map? Dunno, but it doesn't look right to me :P
I know it's a lot of extra work to export all those highpolys/cages to xNormal but it's worth it, had the same "fun" with my P90
Its located at the very bottom in the filters category in Photoshop.
Make sure your y-channel is flipped correctly before executing it.
Then paste that new texture into your diffuse map and overlay it with your AO at about 50-75% opacity.
I would recommend ndo2 only for normalmap work or environmental texture work,
never worked really well for weapons for me.
Just some tips, so you don't waste your time adjusting sliders
I'm thinking: each part of the high poly that corresponds to the low poly is baked
I got some time to texture while enjoying xmas:
I know what an AO map is I think though.
So, and after a little more work on the texture, there is my current state: