Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a repeating texture in Maya and I'm wondering if anyone knows a similar operation in Maya that will transform my geometry an exact amount of units in world space (ie: 256) allowing me to see if my texture will repeat, similar to [F12] 'Offset World operation' in 3DS Max?
Not sure about the max tool but to do the above, press ctrl + t. then click on one of the manipulators axis' and type in 256 (maya defaults to cms).
The grid size and units are still off though. I created a repeating texture on the grid in Max, and I'm trying to do the same thing in Maya but I'm having an issue. The grid in Max is to "generic units" and the home grid is set to having a grid spacing as 16, major lines to 8, and perspective view to 8, which makes the grid 256x256.
How would this be done in Maya? It seems Maya uses real measurement, and when importing my tiled texture from Max it doesn't tile in Maya being the difference in units.
Anyone out there know how to set the grid in Maya for tiling textures?
Can't remember the name but look for the little grid icon on the viewport icon toolbar. I think if you hover over it, it'll say something like "Grid Options".
Could be in your preferences too Windows > Settings/Prefersnces > Preferences and in tehre somewhere.
No offense, but Maya's help system is also quite good for quick reference.