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Pirate Fortress WIP [UDK]

polycounter lvl 9
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Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
Hey all, it´s been a while since I posted something here, and this is what I´ve been working on the past week which I would love some feedback on.

This is my first real attempt at making an outdoor environment, and a shout out to Jessica Dinh, I learned alot by observing your current work on hand-painted texturing :) . The concept for this image is from Artyom Vlasklin: http://cghub.com/files/Image/090001-091000/90653/169_large.jpg

As of now I have only diffuse texture on everything, but my next step is to make specular for everything as well.
I also believe I need more foliage, as the current grass gets quite repetetive.

I am still kind of new to UDK and have started to master the basics, but I really want to learn more with this environment, so any tip or suggestion along with comments and critique is welcome.


Here´s the textures, these first are alla 100% size show, 4 x 512

And the rest are shown at 50% size:


Also I should note that the skull lightpole is also from a concept made by Artyom Vlaskin.


  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    You got enough textures to start creating buildings and smaller huts for this as well, go all out and make a bigger scene out of it. The only thing right now I'd say is that it's lacking depth, mainly due to the above reason.

    You got sunlight with stars? It looks a little bit awkward to me.
    Great work on the handpainted stuff, lovely work! Looking forward to more progress!
  • thankupon
    Since I'm fairly new to polycount, i can't find anything to crit about other than drooling over the art work..With just the diffuse pass on, i think it looks impressive already...good job :)
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    the modeling and texturing looks really good but the lightning is turning it a bit down... as crisradsby said it's too bright if the sky is starry : /

    having it lit by torches, fires and moonlight would make the textures more justice imho

    looking forward to this :D
  • zedanemilio
    The texturing is spot on! I agree with @chrisradsby that you should make the scene a little bit bigger. Maybe try and reduce the bloom a little bit because some of the textures are being washed out. Other than that great job!
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the comments, people!

    I will be doing a couple of smaller huts for sure, thanks for the advice chrisradsby!

    Since I´m a bit noob at UDK I was wondering, is it possible to take a texture, create a new material and adjust just the Hue of the texture?
    Then one could manipulate the color and dont have to upload another similar texture.

    Here´s what I´ve done so far today, replaced the lightning and added a cannon and a barrel.

  • Helba
    mm, try to change the sky with one more cartoon and pastel color, start with a flat solid pastel color.
    Color balance need work, especially the grass\terrain.
  • VuriyV
    Nice work man. Pros_ The hand painted texture work is frieken awesome. Cons_ When baking the AO brake down your object so there is no Black burn over. It helps when making modular assets later. Some times taking a few planks off well expose the AO burn over (black spots) and leads to rework of the texture. If you move you objects apart (on the asset being baked) then there is no burn over.
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    I think it all looks pretty nice aside from comments mentioned above.

    My crit: I think the flag lacks some depth compared to all of the other textures, try adding some curves on that thang! It's looking too stiff atm.
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the crits guys! I think I´m beginning to feel done with this, or if I should try to make an even larger scene like rasby suggested. I did a shed and some piles of wood.



  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Great style! Good execution of the concept to!

    Remember to keep your texture at the same texel density. For example your tree, it is half the texel density of what most of your other textures are.

    A roll of thumb is that you should never use 100% black in you textures.

    Other then that i think you have used you texture kinda lavish. Details and stuff like that should obviously have it's own space if it's needed. But in you texture you pretty much have four materials that could have been made as bigger tiles and reused.

    Regarding hue shift in UDK i don't know if it's possible, what you can and should do is use vertex colors on you objects in maya, export them as fbx(?) and multiply it in the material. That means that you could reduce you texture to like two wood textures.

    Don't be shy with the foliage count! Maybe make a little bigger difference in size on them to?

    I really like the environment all and all!
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    WOW! I just found this thread today! This is really awesome! I think that you nailed the look and feel of the concept and really made it better! I can definitely see this as a full universe for a game, great job with this piece! Saved right to the inspiration folder!
  • ZFerguson
    great job Cheese_Shinobi, looking forward to see where you take this. I agree with what the others are saying about lack of depth and lighting, so I'm just gonna bookmark this page and see your progress in the future :]
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the comments people! :D
    Sorry for the late update, I´ve been kind of busy lately.

    sltrOlsson; Yeah, that texel density is something I need to practice on, I really have no big grasp of that at the moment :/
    I scrapped the Hue-thing, I think I´m going to call this scene preliminary finnished and polish this to get it into my portfolio. Thansk for the tip about rescaling foliage!

    Here is the latest shots, I added another ground texture to spice things up!


    Also played with the Emissive on the lamp texture, so here is a shot of them in the night. I think I´m going to do another scene with them in the future.

  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    This looks pretty dang fantastic and cute!! I love all your textures, but especially your models, they have a lot of life. Maybe make some rocks, boulders, pebbles to strew about? Otherwise, no other crits, I LOVE this scene! :D
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    This is looking great! :)

    I think you could use some point lights to illuminate the path those lamps are affecting though. ;)
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Like Jessica said, maybe some boulders and stuff? That's something that would take you minutes to create, add into to UDK and paint out as a floiage layer! And i do have the free space for something that small in your texture.

    I really like the scene and you've really kept the style together. I do think that it would benefit tremendosly with a simple backdrop mountain! That would really finish it of in this stage.

    And gratz once more for the internship! :)
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    I tried out a whole mountain in 3d for background, I was planning on using the mountain and the texture for future scenes, but the texture needs improvement.
    Suggestions on painting cliffs are much appreciated!

    I made the alpha for the grass sharper and added some pebbles.




  • slipsius
    great job on the whole scene! wow. i absolutely LOVE your lamp/lamp post thing. I dunno why, but its my favourite part. lol but ya. great job!
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Great work man :) I don
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks all for your tips and support! :)
    Here is the scene in my portfolio. I will add some wires to it aswell, which I kind of forgot :P

  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    It looks amazing, really makes me want to learn how to handpaint.

    How long did it take you to complete the scene from scratch?
  • wasabi
    AWESOME !!!!!
    Reminds me of Donkey Kong.....
    Really like the vibrant atmosphere......
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