This is my MOD weapon of a baby dragon for the Pyro in TF2. I have it here next to the Pyro's actual flamethrower I decompiled for proper placement of hand grips and overall alignment. I just wanted to get a couple critiques on it before I unwrap it and send it in. Please let me know what you think? Thanks!

Couple nitpicks though.
1- I guess the bottom pic is the upright view? I'd give it a quick untextured compile in game test just to make sure there are no weird hand clipping issues, really hard to say. The tail is super thick and I can't tell where the front hand would grab.
2-You could do a lot more with the mouth/eyes. It's fine having the mouth bound, but having visible eyes and teeth sticking out would give it easier recognition and a lot more personality imo.
3- I think you could shave a lot of edge loops and still look just as good. But maybe the tris is showing the dragon and flamethrower...
4- the tongue should hang down, and I'd go ahead and give it some thickness, make it a lot longer and jiggle bone it.
5- I'd take all the extra tris out of the body and make the spines 3d. Will look and render much better.
As for the model, it look nice and I like the idea, but I don't think it really fits the TF2 style? It just feels to fantasy for TF2. I know the latest Halloween update introduced ghosts, floating eyeballs and a story about a mage, but I just think the main chunk of the game doesn't really have room for a dragon flamethrower. Maybe a flamethrower designed to look like a dragon, but not an actual dragon.
As for the model, it could use tons of optimization or at least have its polygons used better. For example the neck, snout and legs/feet barely have any curvature yet they have tons of edge loops. As for the tail I understand you'd want lots of polygons in it to have it nice a smooth looking, but when the tail gets thinner you could use a cylinder with less sides.
I also think that since the wings are pretty clearly visible, it might be a good idea to have them as part of the body.. so weld them to the body rather than having separate objects stick through the body.