Hey guys,
A few months back, a Polycount University was set up on Skype between contributing members of Polycount. We started to use Skype as a Global Chat for members who wanted to be apart of this. Essentially, the idea behind it is that members from both Character Art and Environment Art can get together, share their work, and critique; a few challenges are also set up every so often as well.
During this, I considered creating The Polycount Hub.
The Polycount Hub:
The Polycount Hub, is a piece of dedicated Software similiar to Steam, and Skype melded together with Polycount. The idea is simple, Software that includes the following features:
- Main site integration of Polycount Forum and Website
- Global Chat for Polycount users (Sign in with the same ID you use on the website)
- Call and Video Chat system to allow users to share their screen and to allow other users to Critique
- A system that allows Polycount users to create their Portfolios on the forum, and show that page in an organised System within the Polycount Hub
The concept itself is in place, I've begun work on a Proof-Of-Concept to try and get things going.
Proof Of Concept:
I will update this thread with new screenshots of a design I have worked up for this Polycount Hub. For now, I have done a mock-up of the Global Chat Area.
(The names used within this Proof of Concept are members of Polycount University, should you want your name removed from the images, please let me know on Skype)
Primarily I am a Designer over Programmer, So I'm asking anyone on the Forum with programming experience who would like to help out with this project to give me a shout!
(Place "Polycount Hub" within the Re: of your E-Mail)
If you have any other ideas that you feel would contribute greatly to the project also send me them too!
Thank you,
Scott 'Sythen' Baker
I'm glad to hear people are taking interest in this =]
- Sythen
There are a couple of questions that pops into mind:
1. Why build a software that inhibits other platforms such as Linux, Mac, smartphones and tablets to join in aswell?
2. All features you've presented sofar is doable through Google VOiP API and a simple web interface -- What is the real reason to have it as an application other than making it 'more legit' ?
3. As you are not a programmer, you cannot fathom how much work goes into this kind of software (neither can I). It has more feature than Skype and skype was initially developed over 2 years by 4 people. So we're looking at a long development cycle. Sustaining a piece of software like this is also a job bigger than one person can give their spare time to. So, third question is: What is your budget plan? Are you going to have ads? Is Polycount OK with this? Will you be able to pay for the oracle server backbone? The software maintenance?
I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm trying to think critically because these are all imo valid issues you are going to have to deal with.
Maybe the whole hub could be made for web, like battlelog :P
it would allow a wider selection of people to use it (as it would be running through a browser) and it would probably take significantly less time to roll out than a program-based system.
either way, paint me intrigued. i would love for a system like this to really "bring the community together"
1. This software doesn't have to be specific to any operating system, it can be an Online software that integrates nicely with Polycount, like I said it's only a concept.
2. I think that Users of Polycount are entitled to having some software that will assist them in their daily creations. This isn't mandatory to download, only an 'extra' to the Polycount Universe.
3. I never stated that I had no programming knowledge, just that I am not a Programmer. I have worked in Networking companies and I have done courses in Programming. It's just not my forte. I understand were your coming from, Software like this does require a lot of people with different skill-sets to create, which is why I'm posing the concept to the Polycount users.
As mentioned above I have worked with Networking companies, as a result I have gained contacts that I do believe will be beneficial to the project. But primarily the only technologies I see in place right now, are a MYSQL server for user database, A browser, and an integrated IRC Chat. All of which I have and that can be used.
In terms of being an ass about things, I really don't see it that way. I was half-expecting some of these questions to come about, right now I'm putting together the concept, along with working out which technologies can be used. From there, we can work out budgeting, if things will cost and the work that we need to put into it.
But thank you for posting the questions.
We've not really defined how this Hub will come about, but I do see it as an integral part to the Polycount Universe as it stands. There is nothing that is saying that it has to be specifically software, it could be browser based.
@Mike Yevin
It's possible that it could be a subdomain to the website, although I would have to consult Polycount Adminstration about that, it seems that making it a website would be a great way to do things, I have programming experience with the web as I design websites myself. HTML5 could also prove useful too, Social Media Integration too.
Thank you all for your questions, I hope I've answered them thoroughly.
- Sythen.
Now to get it approved by the forum admins.
This forum runs on Vbulletin so a possible solution would be to install a Vbulletin chat plugin. Unless anyone has any REAL programming experience this idea is aiming too high with the "Call and video chat" Anyway I would like a chat on this forum would be a cool feature. just please make it minimalist and not overbearing. why not just have a chatbox like http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/misc.php?do=cchatbox ? It would be alot easier to implement
a bit sad you didn't put me in the friends online list in your picture
I'm currently working on taking the ideas of this thread along with looking up the technology and making a formal plan that we can begin production with
Awh, I apologize, next screenshot
- Sythen.
Wont be so cool for us computer users, but touch screens may appreciate.
You could work with us to get this implemented right on to the site so nothing 3rd party is required. The video/voice chat might be a pain to do with that, though.
Do you have CSS/PHP know-how?
If not, carry on and keep us up to date as you go along.
you're already enrolled son.
But we haven't received for payment yet. Feel free to pay your tuition fee to me.
It will have set of sections such as:
Pimp and preview
3d showcase
Technical Talk
to help you beef up your art skills.
And yes, as almighty_gir said; we've all been enrolled the moment we signed up for this website.
I wish we have good assigned artists as professors who would give us a lecture/demonstration via live stream about any asset/part/tutorial of 3d arts, or 2d arts as well.
It is kind of really useless to ask for a personal TV channel on polycount, like the one my clan has for league of legends tournaments displayed right on their site's main page (Dirt Nap Gaming), but a session for streaming live construction of a 3d model and live update of it to the news, Than moving that live footage to the archives for those who havent been able to see it will also benefit us all.
The reason I ask this is because few people who do an amazing work in the videos they upload on youtube. It would be awesome for them to have their own sub section where we all get to see their stuff instead of just one thread bumping up once in a while.
The nice thing about this project is that lurking and passive polycounters
can quickly ask questions and learn from this even more directly than on the site.
(Such as me
From there, we hope contact Polycount admins and try to work out a subdomain to Polycount, (i.e: hub.polycount.com) But don't hold me too that, again still concept stages.
Updates from here on may be a little slow, but for those of you who are interested in helping out and can code websites, let me know via PM here on Polycount!
- Sythen
I'm sure any attempt of gamification will mean you never leave your chair.
Real life RPG with cg artist character class... no need to go outside!
Wordpress allows for user creation based on MySQL Databases, as well as the integration of IRC Chat systems. Which in my opinion suits the project down to the core. The only issue I can see in the future, would be trying to integrate it with Polycount.
I don't know the systems that Polycount uses, so unfortunately, it may mean users of Polycount will need to register a seperate account with Polycount Hub.
Video and Voice chat most likely will not be integrated. Though similar to the way forums work and Skypes call plugins. We can at the very least link skype with the site's design, and within advertisement of the site, encourage users to use this feature so they can directly contact other users of the Hub.
With each users creation on Polycount Hub, they will be dedicated a Portfolio page. This page will allow users to post up their best work, and maintain it in a style that suits imagery the best.
Finally for the critique system. I've been looking into creating a formatted box underneath the IRC that allows users to post links. Wordpress will interpret the links and display them as images. I am however still looking into formatting a comment/thread per image allowing users to independently comment on each image giving critique to the user who posted it.
If that fails, users can post the links in the box, and refrence to them by a number/code within the IRC.
As for the websites design itself, it will follow as closely as possible both the color scheme and layout of Polycount to blend nicely with the community's already established style.
Lots to think about, and lots to work with. I've started a localhost version of wordpress and am in the process of currently running some tests.
Like stated before, if there are any Polycount members who are web developers and would like to aid with the project. Please send me a message or e-mail me at:
Thanks guys for the support,
Why create a tool if we could have a Polycount university sub-forum instead, just like in conceptart.org?
If you guys want a place to hang out why not just create a #polycount IRC channel? I'd definitely hang out in such channel if it existed.
So many whys!!
Not every change in technology is a necessity you know. It would be just more convenient for everyone around here. Ofcourse there are many ways around doing things.
The reason why is that having a website that includes the new features will be more beneficial to the community. Yes we could create an IRC, but the community would need to download an IRC Client just to access it, even with that an IRC doesn't have any kind of specific highlighted critique system.
I've seen other websites like Interlopers have portfolio pages which have gone successfully, and I think that we as a community would benefit from an upgrade.
Yes forums are helpful, but there is a lot of features we can add to make it more instant, and more organized.
- Sythen.
If someone wants to chat, there's #model_design on irc.freenode.net, and freenode has a webchat app on their site http://webchat.freenode.net/ so no need for a separate client.
Portfolio's won't get used. You used Interlopers as an example, they've got 74 portofolios but 9400 forum members, that's not even 1% of their users bothering with them. Not to mention that if someone wants their portfolio critiqued, they already post it in p'n'p where they'll get feedback on their presentation as well as the content.
Honestly, it seems like a load of pointless fluff that will be abandoned after the novelty wears off
A chat could be added to the main page somehow, like Facebook I'm sure, and you could get feedback in there as well/instead.