I have been sculpting a Fairy character and am about finished with her main body. Now I want to cover her by wrapping her body in leafy ivy, similar to the picture shown above.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how I could accomplish this within Zbrush?
Thank you so much!
My suggestion would be modeling one ring of leafes, setting the pivot points and place it along a spline.
Then add/delete/move some leafes here and there to add variation.
The only thing i would use zBrush for here would be sculpting different leafes to use them(or rather the low polys) in the beforementioned process.
Depending on the polybudget i would only use planes(or simplified leafes with alpha mapped leaf texture)
You could do that in zbrush, copying leaves around and stuff, but i´m not sure if it´s really worth the effort.
And btw my poly budget is non existent. This is purely for illustration.
But maya should have something like place along a path or something.A Spline is just a line.The pivot point is just the origin of your "leaf ring" and i said place it manually to make sure that it behaves right when you place it along a path(you don´t have to do that manually it´s automated)