Hello Everyone, since ive been on polycount ive spoken with quite a few of you wether it's through a pm or just critiquing work or just a random post, all of this time i always enjoy being on polycount and hope to consider myself part of the community, i just have a question and im not sure if it's just me or maybe others feel this way lol, but most of the time im on here it seems a lot of you are people i would easily get along with outside of polycount, whether it's playing games together or making art together. I would love to have someone to work on a team effort piece, not a mod project or anything ive been on those and though they are fun im talking like maybe building an environment in an engine and still just being friends i guess. So i guess what im trying to say is i want to be a bigger part of the community and have more friends in the "game art" world. If anyone feels the same or wants to be my friend please by all means let me know

lol my skype is dpaynter26 my xbl is xintrinsick my psn is x-influx and my linkedin is
im always willing to learn from anyone in the art world and i always feel like i know nothing, even though when i sit and think about it i know a bit, i mean enough so that i have a job and have worked on a few mods atleast, so if you want to work with me for the sole fact that you like teaching people please by all means let me know

i promise im not gonna show up on your front doorstep one day with a knife or anything ROFL!
Take it from some self learner who has been around on this forum for 2 years and most of the people wont give a fuck about. Unless he annoys the fuck out of them, in that case, they will be kind enough to pm him and request him to STFU.
You are welcome to add me on your messenger and we'll talk.
that also makes me kinda sad, im not valuable rofl, its ok ill get there someday
It slowly began to get annoying with requests and people talking to me on msn so much asking for a well made weapon or any type of asset. the attention was fun while it lasted
As for PSN. i would never post my account name unless in a pm or requested! people love to add random accounts to send there spam codes to. I made most of my friends in Black ops-Zombies and Demons souls buy being the best in the team/party. only accepted 4 friends from demons souls because they were amazing peeps and accidentally accepted 27 people from black ops who invited me to a game of zombies every dam 5 minutes, i carry them about 30 levels before i gave up when we play! I know its mean to reject people because they suck but when you get an inbox of 47 invites a day to carry a team of 4 things change in you.
it's that 95% of the community you wouldn't want to be friends with anyways.
I know alot of people from here in real life, and it has nothing to do with seeing potential or something of value in them. They're just cool people.
This topic title reminded me of this video, can't remember where I saw it, maybe the thread of awesomeness?
Ok lets see it than; Hello there, this is nitewalkr, my msn is metal_head12@hotmail.com and my skype is nitewalkr or nitewalkr1. Feel free to add me and we'll talk.
Lets see how many "Cool people" will add me and op.
it doesn't really work that way though.
You become friends through interactions with others, not by putting your contact up on the page and saying 'add me'.
If you have a good personality, people will add you or you should try adding people.
If there's people that you constantly joke with on here then you should add them and begin talking outside of PC.
I do it all the time. Facebook is also another great way of socializing with people on here and making friends.
bad touching.
I need an adult!!!
hmmm is he any good at it? if so i too would like to become friends :poly142:
I might not make an impression on people
We laughed for ages over that, but we were quite drunk:)
few random friendship quotes
'A man with no enemies is a man with no character'
'A friend in need is a friend to be avoided'
'Friends are just enemies who don't have enough guts to kill you'
'True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice'
'Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods'
'Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead'
I added you with pc university in the comment bit
try using dead bodies
yummy meat.
I could go for a burger now.
I'm sorry I offended you. :c
... i know that
-> being mean makes friends
but but...
Its easy to make friendships and hard to honor and keep up with them.
To those who count their selves in to 95% of PC, in my previous posts in this thread, I called them douche bags and dicks in full detail. The 5% is undecided until I get to know them.
So you guys really want to be that 95%? Think again.
If you believe that making friends isnt that easy, than you must know that every friendship starts at certain point, and its first step is getting to know the person you want to be friends with. If everyone is being reserved and someone picks on person who is posting alot and trying to befriend others, regardless of that "untold professional attitude that goes around here," is really not worth it.
So talk, get along, help out, makes you a person something out of that 95%. If someone starts a thread and wants to get to know people while he learns stuff from here, it is your untold will to move forth and get to know him, being friends is far out of the question right now. Just add him on the messenger you'd prefer and talk to him. Get to know him if you dont wish to befriend him, and eventually do gatherings with him, have beer with him, help him when he needs it, push him to whatever passion he pursues. This is how communities work, my good sire.
Not by your standards.
PS: when was talking about him, I was talking about the OP, I dont give a fuck about who adds me and who doesnt because I gave up on friendships. If something happens even remotely is welcomed. I wouldnt go around looking for friends. I wouldnt go in to details about why.
PPS: Arrangemonk believes that male friends == homosexuals. o.O, what a shame.
You don't sleep with your male friends?! I've been doing it wrong then.
Dude 0_o
not only males like video games and beer.
i got my wife that way
For some reason your title reminded me of this video: http://youtu.be/w536Alnon24
This video is almost according to Polycount, unless someone is picking 10 members for the blue team 10 members for the red team and in the end, the one who remains gets to spend life with a girl who is filthy rich and owns a successful game company, or you get a CEO job at a very high standard game company that pays you half a mil, annually.
I dont see neither happening here, so this video is pointless.
Oh yeah i added you Robert Thomas on Google+