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[Non-Paid/Deferred] Various Art Positions at Ikarus Studios

Ikarus Studios is currently looking for non-paid, deferred payment artists and modelers for a prototype episodic project, “dotCase Files : Grimm Murders”.

Ikarus Studios is in its infancy and currently consists of yours truly. IS aims to not only create interactive multimedia, but also other areas of work including Film Production, Websites, Special Effects and more. Our goal is to create a unique creative edge for our projects and contracts that breathe thought out, polished, and at times thought provoking ideas.

Grimm Murders is a Casual/Hardcore First Person Adventure game set in an alternate reality world where critical historical events have taken a different route. The world has evolved in unique ways, both for the best and for the worse in comparison to our own.

This game is set in First City, originally known as Los Angeles before the US fall. Detective Lance Foxwill, a divorced father struggling to exist in his daughters world while juggling obstacles from his past and his new future. A murderer known as the “Illustrator” brings Lance into a case of great creativity and great danger, as this madman recreates popular and obsure Grimm fairy tales through extravagant murder scenes and riddles.

The game's goal is not to create a commercial AAA title, but to create a game that doesn't just aim to please hardcore gamers, but also give Casual gamers a chance by integrating a “Casual” game mode which makes the game totally playable with only a mouse. The game mode will offer faster interface transitions, less camera movement, more Hidden-Object Gameplay oriented puzzles, and node-based movement as apposed to First Person free-roam. A lite game play version in other words. Said addition is the solution to many complain adventure and average gamers have towards casual games, including the messy Hidden-Object games.

This experimental project will first span across a prototype demonstrating the gameplay, environment, and story. This prototype will be used as a demo for potential publishers or funding sources to get a chance to see the game's potential. Once done, the project will be fully funded and you can get a chance to be a fully employed member of the project.

Why am I doing this now? Well I made a goal to get at least one project done, whether a prototype or at least the first episode done before I go to basic in the Air Force. So, I hope we can all work together to help benefit ourselves with a better future.

What areas am I looking to get filled in?
Note: You can fill in multiple positions, but I would prefer that Leads should be kept standalone to allow dedication to team management and assistance.
Note 2: It is prefered that all positions be filled for in-house development. For in-house you must be within the Los Angeles, San Gabriel area in Southern California.

*Lead Design: Leading the design team and having the final say on various design assets before sending to Project Lead.
*Level/Map Design: Designing the layout of a given map/level. Documents specific events that occur in the level, also any specific qualities of it. Should have a basic understanding of floor plan layouts and traditional conceptual layouts.
*Character Design: A non-art position that focuses on writing up documents for the initial character design while also getting reference images that can be combined into a character prototype.
*User Interface Design: This position focuses on designing a usable interface for the game/prototype. You will work with the main menu system, heads up display, and more.

*Lead Artist: Like any lead position, you will focus on working with artists on assignments, constructive criticism, following document guidelines and have final say on asset before sending to Project Lead.
*Environmental Artist: Should be able to work from conceptual design to finalized pieces for props and environmental scenery. 3D object concepts are optional.
*Character Artist: Working off of specific character guidelines from design document and Character Design docs to create either traditional or digital art assets for the 3d Modelers. Turntable pieces are a must for this position.

*Environmental: Model objects based on conceptual art and references. Either use Maya or 3d Studio Max. Should have knowledge and experience in Mudbox and/or Zbrush.
*Character: Model organic characters based on conceptual art and references. Either use Maya or 3d Studio Max. Should have knowledge and experience in Mudbox and/or Zbrush.

More job positions are available but they do not qualify as Art related. Message me for more information.

If interested, please email at bradnewsom(at)gmail.com or send me a note over DA.

I look forward to hearing from you.


  • sbnewsom
    Offline / Send Message
    Bump. Additional writing positions are available. Email me for information on that.

    If you have any questions that pertain to the project, the company, or anything else, feel free to post here or email directly to me if privacy is needed.
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