Hey folks! I'm currently working on this Tiger Tank. It's getting to the stage where I'm fairly happy with the overall silhouette, however I'd like to fine-tune some of the details. Here's the high poly so far:

I personally feel that the rear half of the tank is lacking, though admittedly it's the area I've spent the least amount of time on and have fewer references for. I'll be updating this thread with my progress and I'd be thrilled to recieve any feedback along the way!
I'm aiming for a game-ready vehicle model.
Having lurked here for far too long, I thought it was time to step in! :poly136:
Thanks for reading!
Although it's only a scaled down model, it does contain many of the key details I'm after. With that in mind, I decided to redo much of the tank's engine components before finishing up for the night.
I realize it doesn't quite match up yet. The rear compartments need to be shrinked, and some various bits and pieces could do with nudging and moving. Those vents need resizing too. Once I'm happy with the major details I'll add some of the more nitty-gritty details around the engine. I'll then see about creating some nice rope and general tools to place on the top of the tank's hull.
For now though, I probably aught to get some rest! :thumbup:
@IsparticusI Thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to get this done before making any further progress. I won't spam all of my references here, but here's a few I've found paticularly useful.
I hope that's not too many pictures!
The base rope has been added along with little tweaks and adjustments around the engine. Edges have also been smoothed as suggested. I'll begin the low-poly soon, though any feedback on the high would be awesome! I get the feeling there's something amiss with it but I can't quite figure out what it is. Or may be that nagging feeling of never quite being satisfied with what I make. :poly122:
The weld seams (seen earlier) were sculpted, and I plan on doing the same for the rope on the top of the tank. I usually prefer to do them last as part of my workflow, in case any modifications need to be made to the base.
I really can't wait to get it baked so I can begin texturing! Currently, I'm doing a bit of research on camo patterns as it's something I haven't had much practice with in the past.
Next update should contain low poly + wireframes unless there's something glaringly obvious I've missed in the high.
Thanks for reading!
I'm a little concerned that some of the details are too dense, however I'm comfortable keeping the mesh below the self-imposed 40,000 tri limit.
Pointers would be thrown a parade at this stage, especially regarding the tracks (I'm not sure if my approach is the right one). Most of the tanks I've looked at (in games) were from RTSes which used a flat surface and panned the track texture as it moved. I have a version of the low poly with a similar set-up but it really detracts from the overall look and silhouette of the model. In any case, I'm totally up for changes/suggestions.
Thanks for reading!
I would go that route especially if it is going to be animated.
Really want to see how your textures turn out!
@Leodido I have no plans to use it in any paticular project, though the aim is to have it driving around the UDK eventually!
@Kozak Thanks for the feedback! Admittedly I haven't really touched the tracks on the texture sheet as I'm still deciding how to proceed. I'm leaning towards rebaking the normal map as I'm not convinced the cage was set-up properly last time I tried.
Hopefully I'll have something better to show off over the weekend, or monday at the absolute latest!
I upped the normal map to a 2048. The current diffuse is 1024 and although it does have a basic specular it's not final. I'm going to play around with different specular map sizes to see how it influences the overall material.
Crits welcome! The camo pattern is a little mish-mash at the moment, and the tracks... well I have a few things I want to try once I throw it into the UDK. So for now at least, I'm going to leave them alone. Though I may scuff them up a bit before the end.
This has been a damned fun project so far, and I'm already thinking about adding a few 'upgradeable' extras like that camo netting I mentioned earlier, also things like smoke launchers, tools and extra armour.
Thanks for reading!
Looking forward to the improved spec map as well, even with a basic one currently it's looking nice.