Hi guys,
I came across this image on the web a few months ago. I was just wondering can anyone help me figure out how they produced this grate effect with a poly cylinder in Maya?
What was said above, but there's a plugin that (among other things) will do essentially take your wireframe and turn it into a mesh pattern with one click. LINK
Or you could model one segment of the pie however you want, duplicate it and rotate it, then hit shift d a bunch of times. Take the number of subdivision you want in your pie and divide that by 360 to get the rotation value.
loop selection all the edge loops you added in and do the same with a small bevel.
than start selecting faces in the right pattern, and extrude them down a bit and delete the faces.
Doesn´t maya have controls for cap segments?That would be easier if he wants to have even distribution.
Save it as "All files" Instead of ZIP and add .exe for the extension and it should work
So that goes
It's going to leave a lot of tris though, so the cleanup later is going to take a bit...