This contraption is an arm gauntlet for a project I'm working on with some USC programmers called "Benjamin Salisbury and the Clockwork Zombies.
It magically controls gears and stuff in order to solve puzzles. This is the high-poly version.
Feedback is appreciated
The actual glove looks like it would be rather restricting of movement, and also very tight, possibly even delicate as well, like it's a material that would dent easily and cause some serious discomfort if it did. Would bulking it up a bit be out of the question? On the subject of the hand, if those ridges are meant to be reminiscent of the metacarpals, they shouldn't be bending like that and should taper a bit differently:
Oh, and the wrist doesn't appear to be fully articulated. It looks like it can rotate, but it can't flex. You've got that really hard collar around the wrist, and it looks stiff. Something more flexible, maybe some interlocking plates like a lobster shell or some ribbed tubing would work better.