My brother is making a great job with the programming, we got a lot of new stuff like lens flares, new behaviors for the enemies, game modes, final boss, etc.
Tron font
Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega
Main ship looks like it's straight from Dead Space.
Nobody wants to end up like Orion: Dino Beatdown
Those are some good complaints, I love Tron (who doesn't, huh?), I think that Mass effect 2 is the best game of this generation and Dead Space it's one of the best SciFi games in years for me.
Buy anyway, none of those made anything special in Sci-Fi art (except of Tron, but we're not using the same font) they're quite good and awesome in many ways but they didn't invented that SciFi style.
Don't get me wrong, I like your critics, it's always good to have them, in fact you're very welcome to play the beta:
Tron font
- No, it's not. It's a free to use font for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega
- Hardly resemble Omega, or maybe bioware are the only ones who can use a mushroom shaped ship... (perhaps Omega is a ripoff from Mario's Goombas)
Main ship looks like it's straight from Dead Space.
- Are you talking about the Colony? well after looking at every picture I've found of Dead Space (I finished Dead Space 1 and 2) I cannot see more resemblance to it than to any other space ship design for the last 60 years. Yes, it's a ship, yes it is in space... don't know what you see there, seriously.
Nobody wants to end up like Orion: Dino Beatdown
- Don't know what is that Dino Beatdown thing.
Please kid, if you are not going to give constructive criticism don't bother to make us lose our time.
I've been working in videogames for about 10 years, in franchises like FarCry, X-Men, Lost, Shaun White... Got tired of AAA productions and I just want to make a 2D game with my brother, because I enjoy it more. If you don't like it, don't play it. If you prefer call of duty, fifa, madden, and so one, instead of an independent game nobody is stopping you. But please, there is no need to throw garbage on people making their own games in their spare time with no money support and 0 marketing budget.
(the level will change in the final version and there are many game modes that are unavailable in this current version that will be in the final, but it would give you and idea of the gameplay)
Alright, I apologize for the forward response. I see your point. However, I noticed you use another font for your game that I think fits the game much more appropriately than the free Tron-esque font. Maybe sticking to one type of title would be less distracting.
I realize in retrospect that saying "Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega" was really harsh and I apologize. It does have a striking resemblance though with the large round top and the spire sticking out from the bottom, but I might as well say Cloud city rip-off too! I apologize and I should've looked more into that.
And the last criticism was less of a rip off thing and more of a note, saying that it looks similar. Yes, I was referring to the colony as well.
Again, I'm sorry for the forward response and I'll be sure to try out the beta
Also, sergiosantos, I don't appreciate the assumption that I play the generic shooters and sports games. I was merely pointing out the criticisms that I had. victorsantos had more than supplied a sufficient argument which brought on my apologies. This is the first I've heard of this game and I merely wanted to point out what I saw were flaws. At no point did I mention that I didn't want to play this game or that it looked terrible. I have an incredible open mind towards games and I am more than willing to try yours. After playing the beta, perhaps I will be able to give more constructive and educated criticism.
Alright, I apologize for the forward response. I see your point. However, I noticed you use another font for your game that I think fits the game much more appropriately than the free Tron-esque font. Maybe sticking to one type of title would be less distracting.
I realize in retrospect that saying "Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega" was really harsh and I apologize. It does have a striking resemblance though with the large round top and the spire sticking out from the bottom, but I might as well say Cloud city rip-off too! I apologize and I should've looked more into that.
And the last criticism was less of a rip off thing and more of a note, saying that it looks similar. Yes, I was referring to the colony as well.
Again, I'm sorry for the forward response and I'll be sure to try out the beta
I'm glad to hear that buddy, we're just trying to make an independent game and we're excited to make it happen.
You're very welcome to give us some feedback of the beta
We are very happy just by shipping it, it's really a big achievement to finish a game by ourselves, you can try it out in PC for free a few levels.
About the XBOX 360 version, we submitted it to Microsoft so now It's up to them, maybe in a week or two it can be published in the XBOX LIVE Independent Games.
Links to Indiecity and Indievania to download the demo version or the full game:
First in-game screenshots of EXILED the upcoming game of Knitted Pixels, it's still in pre-alpha but it's looking really good.
EXILED its a 2.5D Action Platformer focused on Fighting combat like combos and special moves and some RPG elements.
The story follows a renegade demon who is trying to gain his way back to Hell.
And as it was on Defenders of the last colony, thank you so much for supporting a couple of polycounters (Sergio Santos and I) who really wants to make their own games, stories and adventures.
My brother is making a great job with the programming, we got a lot of new stuff like lens flares, new behaviors for the enemies, game modes, final boss, etc.
And... we got the final boxart!
Thank you so much Nyx!
I just finished the modular parts and the background of the sidecroller mode.
Tron font
Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega
Main ship looks like it's straight from Dead Space.
Nobody wants to end up like Orion: Dino Beatdown
Those are some good complaints, I love Tron (who doesn't, huh?), I think that Mass effect 2 is the best game of this generation and Dead Space it's one of the best SciFi games in years for me.
Buy anyway, none of those made anything special in Sci-Fi art (except of Tron, but we're not using the same font) they're quite good and awesome in many ways but they didn't invented that SciFi style.
Don't get me wrong, I like your critics, it's always good to have them, in fact you're very welcome to play the beta:
You just have to click "demo" and download it.
Tron font
- No, it's not. It's a free to use font for commercial and non-commercial projects.
Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega
- Hardly resemble Omega, or maybe bioware are the only ones who can use a mushroom shaped ship... (perhaps Omega is a ripoff from Mario's Goombas)
Main ship looks like it's straight from Dead Space.
- Are you talking about the Colony? well after looking at every picture I've found of Dead Space (I finished Dead Space 1 and 2) I cannot see more resemblance to it than to any other space ship design for the last 60 years. Yes, it's a ship, yes it is in space... don't know what you see there, seriously.
Nobody wants to end up like Orion: Dino Beatdown
- Don't know what is that Dino Beatdown thing.
Please kid, if you are not going to give constructive criticism don't bother to make us lose our time.
I've been working in videogames for about 10 years, in franchises like FarCry, X-Men, Lost, Shaun White... Got tired of AAA productions and I just want to make a 2D game with my brother, because I enjoy it more. If you don't like it, don't play it. If you prefer call of duty, fifa, madden, and so one, instead of an independent game nobody is stopping you. But please, there is no need to throw garbage on people making their own games in their spare time with no money support and 0 marketing budget.
Great! thanks!
you can try the Beta here:
(the level will change in the final version and there are many game modes that are unavailable in this current version that will be in the final, but it would give you and idea of the gameplay)
You can try the Beta for free. I think our game have nothing in common except the genre (twin-stick shooter) with Stardust.
But once again, play it
I realize in retrospect that saying "Ripped off Mass Effect 2's Omega" was really harsh and I apologize. It does have a striking resemblance though with the large round top and the spire sticking out from the bottom, but I might as well say Cloud city rip-off too! I apologize and I should've looked more into that.
And the last criticism was less of a rip off thing and more of a note, saying that it looks similar. Yes, I was referring to the colony as well.
Again, I'm sorry for the forward response and I'll be sure to try out the beta
I'm glad to hear that buddy, we're just trying to make an independent game and we're excited to make it happen.
You're very welcome to give us some feedback of the beta
We sent yesterday the latest BETA of Defenders, you can also check it out here:
This is the link to DOTLC Desuras site:
and also their sisters sites:
in case you want to follow us there!
The Indie Mine - PREVIEW -
We are working hard to improve every aspect of the game, and these previews give us a really nice feedback to work on.
Thanks for the support and critics!!
nice this looks like a lot of fun! keep up the good work
We finished the development of DEFENDERS of the Last Colony, here you can see the brand new trailer:
And you can see the new website too:
You can buy it on DESURA, the website of the game and INDIEVANIA.
Coming soon for XBOX 360.
Thank you so much for the support here on POLYCOUNT!
Do you have any ETA on the Xbox version? I was thinking about picking it up for that so I can play with the GF easier.
We are very happy just by shipping it, it's really a big achievement to finish a game by ourselves, you can try it out in PC for free a few levels.
About the XBOX 360 version, we submitted it to Microsoft so now It's up to them, maybe in a week or two it can be published in the XBOX LIVE Independent Games.
Links to Indiecity and Indievania to download the demo version or the full game:
As soon as Microsoft approve it you'll know here
Thank you so much in advance!!
Thanks a lot! We hope you like the game
Thanks people!!
Once again, thanks for all the support we are now thinking about the upcoming project.
We'll keep you posted
More info at
EXILED its a 2.5D Action Platformer focused on Fighting combat like combos and special moves and some RPG elements.
The story follows a renegade demon who is trying to gain his way back to Hell.
Check it out!
More INFO at:
And as it was on Defenders of the last colony, thank you so much for supporting a couple of polycounters (Sergio Santos and I) who really wants to make their own games, stories and adventures.
We'll make another thread soon..