Hello everyone, I am new here and I seen some pretty intelligent people so I thought I would come here with my issue. I am fairly new at UDK I have been only toying with it for about a week now. I am having some issues with a seam in my glass tube. I will post some pictures below. Hopefully you can help me figure out what is going on here. Ill post some explanation with each picture and some questions. Thanks in advance!
3D studio max render of the beaker.
My texture layered over the uv map. I didnt feel like coloring inside the lines.
Beaker with uv maps in UDK this is the FBX import
Beaker with uv maps in udk this is the "ASE" import - Why does the uv's look so jacked up here? I would like to know if you have an answer.
My uv map rendered as a solid to show no overlapping uvs
uv lightmap rendered as a solid to show no overlapping uvs
This is my Material Setup in UDK
In Game snapshot, this is where the seams show up
ase on the left and fbx on the right.
Also in final comments here, I have been inside 3D studio max an checked my normal maps, they are unified, also I am using a phong shader, I tried with a blinn shader also, same results. also have the 2 sided option ticked in the shader options in max. If I add a desaturation to this material and knock the V down to 4 the seam doesnt show however the beaker is almost practically invisible then, I want it to have a clear blue tint. and still be seethrough.
What happens when you export as fbx?