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Vertex Painting stops working after I apply a 2nd material ID in UDK

polycounter lvl 14
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SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
I am experimenting with some nighttime lighting with my current scene and ran into a quick problem. As of right now I am working on a castle wall. It is made up of a tiling stone texture. For the window gaps I applied a 2nd material ID and used a emissive material to get the effect I wanted. The problem is I had vertex blending set up on the stone texture and I think the new emissive map on the 2nd id channel is causing me not to be able to use it. Is there any way I can bypass this?

Im really tired and have been working on this for a while so I hope I am not being to confusing. Just in case I uploaded a pic to better illustrate my current predicament. Just imagine that the sky behind the window is a polygon with a separate emissive map applied to it. I will upload more pics if need be.



  • Adam L. Gray
    Hmm, just so I get this right. Is the mesh using multiple materials, or is the emissive map added directly in the main material, using a second map channel?
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Here is the tutorial I followed to import my assets.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiGmbH8nl_A"]Importing a Complex Static Mesh - UDK Tutorials by Javahawk - YouTube[/ame]

    The mesh is using multiple materials.

    For my emissive map I just made the windows a seperate ID in 3dsmax and in UDK I used a vector parameter to make the emmisive map for the windows.
  • Adam L. Gray
    Well then, I did a quick test here, and I'm not quite sure what the problem is. To be honest, no matter what I tried throwing at it (even the sort of things which I myself thought would reset the vertex paint) it were still there.

    I started off by creating a simple box with multiple segments. Added a simple material to it and blended between two colours using vertex-paint. And everything is working as intended.

    I then added a second uv channel, and re-imported. As expected, the vertex paint was still there.

    After that, I added a plane to the model, separate from the main mesh. I were slightly hesitant to it, but no worries, it worked out just fine.

    Then lastly, I added new segments too, and moved vertices around on the existing mesh, thinking, this is probably the thing which is going to break it, but alas, it's still working just fine! So, I really have no idea what could be the problem here to be honest.

    The only thing I possibly could think of, though I'm uncertain whether that would make any difference, is how you painted the vertex colours in the first place. Did you paint them in 3ds max or in udk?

    And if in UDK, did you paint them to the respective static mesh instances in the scene, or using the option which I believe paints it directly to the model, causing the same paint to be added to all instances?
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    I didnt use vertex painting in max all that was done in UDK. Also I did try painting both ways in UDK but for some reason it wouldnt let me last night.

    Thank you for the effort put into helping me. I tried it again this morning and it worked for some reason which baffles me. Maybe UDK was acting up? I'm going to look at some other possibilities of what could of caused it, but for now I am just happy it works.
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